Advanced Study of Christianity
Christianity is one of the long-present pan-ethnic religions in Indonesia. A twelfth century traveler reported the existence of Persian Christianity in Barus, North Sumatra, which might be a representation of earlier engagement. It was not survived, however. Hence, the later period Indonesian Christianity in the large part determined by the presence of European colonialism, which understood as an extension of Christendom power. While, it has a complicated historical interaction between colonialism and Christianity, the perception is endured and becomes part of the equation of the present-day interreligious interaction.
The course of Advanced Studies of Christianity offers a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of Indonesian Christianity. It meant to be a space of interreligious interaction for students and scholars that the objective is to enhance the appreciation of religious difference and furthering the social transformation through religious studies. Several topics are discussed during the semester such as the diversity of Christian expressions, short history of Christianity in Indonesia, aspects of Christian’s theology and the tenet of Christianity.
The students will be benefitted as well with excursions to different churches in Yogyakarta and engaged with the keypersons.