Title | : | Theology of Success and Spiritual Capital: the Study of Success Theology of Church Bethany Indonesia – Surabaya from the Perspective of Spiritual Capital in the Context of Indonesia |
Author | : | Cindy Quartyamina Koan (CRCS, 2008) |
Keywords | : | Indonesia Bethany Church, Theology of Success and Spiritual Capital |
Abstract | ||
Indonesia Bethany Church is a manifest of a successful church organization especially in Indonesia even in South East Asia. The root of that success is Abraham Alex Tanuseputra’s life story. He is the founder of the Bethany church as one with Successful Bethany Families motto. The success gave the appearance merely not within spiritual services but expands to physical world services such as finance, education, medical, entertainment, occupation include the economic activities for instance advertising and trading. Those services become the magnet which successfully attracts the Christian’s interest. The alteration from many Christian to be the Bethany’s parishioners is the indicator of Indonesia Bethany Church succeeds.
Deliberating about the success of Indonesia Bethany Church, immediately guide to theology of success as a doctrinal and practical foundation for all Bethany’s activities. Bethany’s theology of success reveals that God desired every Christians lives successfully means having whole excellent thing not the reverse yet somehow, increasingly into abundantly life. That is the successive lives which noticeable and measured as well embrace spiritual and material world. Spiritually pointing to obey the desire of God then materially develop into wealthy. Eventually, realization of the success depends on the success of material world where the stipulation is that every parishioner must be struggling to accomplish the wealthy life. Furthermore, Response to this, I would like to explore the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching of the theology of success by using the concept of Spiritual Capital from Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall. Principally, the terms spiritual and capital do not refer only to religions and merely physical capital. Furthermore, it is about divine values, motivations and principals that are convinced as true and able to produce a broad good impact for humanity and nature. In brief, Spiritual Capital tries to create economic activities without being self-oriented and make encounter between spiritualism and capitalism or economy. Indeed, we cannot deny that success is every person’s whish, therefore any theory which are including in the theology of success play big important role in creating the welfare for human, living beings and nature which not individualistic. For this reason, theology of success should be a theology that concern toward the reality of social lives whereas every parishioner are part of society. |
Title | : | Concept and Practice of Islamic Education in SDIT Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta |
Author | : | Eka Farantina (CRCS, 2010) |
Keywords | : | Islamic education, theory, practices |
Abstract | ||
This research aims to acknowledge deeply, theory and Islamic education practices at SDIT (Integrated Islamic Elementary School) Alam Nurul Islam, Yogyakarta. This is interesting because SDIT Alam Nurul Islam proposes nondichotomy curriculum between Islamic education and general education. The next reason is because SDIT Alam Nurul Islam promotes student centered learning, concept “one earth, one world”, and learning from reality which similar to the concept of Paulo Freire, Hans Kung, and John Dewey.
This study answers three questions. First, what are the theories of Islamic education at SDIT Alam Nurul Islam? Second, what are the practices of Islamic education at SDIT Alam Nurul Islam? This research uses qualitative naturalistic approach to understand and interpret ate the perspectives of informant about their world. The data was gathered from observation and in depth interview involving the headmaster of the school and a teacher from the school who is a staff of JSIT in Yogyakarta. The data analysis was done by open coding. The data validation was achieved by triangulation techniques. The study shows two results. First, the basic of education concept at SDIT Alam Nurul Islam is turning human beings back to the basic goal of human creation: to be an abdullah and a khalifatullah. Second, the practices of education at SDIT Alam Nurul Islam are based on the concepts of education at there. The learning program improved from the vision as ‘abdullah and khalifatullah by integrating knowledges and religion. Students have more time to learn from nature, as a part of learning from reality. |
Judul: Masyarakat Toleran: Budaya Demokrasi dan Partisipasi Politik (Studi Kasus Perilaku Politik Umat Islam Jekulo Kudus Pasca Orde Baru)
Penulis: Achmad Ta’yudin (CRCS, 2005)
Kata-kata Kunci: muslim taat, budaya demokrasi, partisipasi politik, budaya toleran
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perilaku politik masyarakat Islam di Kecamatan Jekulo Kudus pada Pemilu 1999 dan 2004, di mana partai-partai Islam dengan kecenderungan religiusitas masyarakat yang tinggi menuai kekalahan telak. Pertanyaan yang muncul kemudian adalah, “Kenapa masyarakat Islam Jekulo yang mempunyai tingkat religiusitas relatif tinggi, enggan untuk memilih partai-partai politik yang mengadopsi Islam sebagai pijakan ideologinya”. Pertanyaan menarik tersebut menjadi fokus penelitian ini.
Judul: Perspektif Etika Islam terhadap Aborsi dengan Motif Perkosaan dan Kehamilan di Luar Nikah
Penulis: Arief Aulia Rachman (CRCS, 2009)
Kata-kata Kunci: Etika Islam, Hukum Islam (Fiqh), Ushul Fiqh, Aborsi, Perkosaan dan Kehamilan di Luar Nikah
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang kasus aborsi dengan motif perkosaan dan kehamilan di luar nikah dengan menggunakan bingkai perspektif etika Islam. Keberadaan etika Islam merupakan suatu kerangka analisis terhadap kasus aborsi yang menjadi jalan tengah antara keputusan normatif (hukum Islam) dan tidak normatif, dengan mempertimbangkan landasan tekstual dan konteks yang terjadi.
Judul: Baha’i: Sebuah Narasi Agama Minoritas di Indonesia (Studi Kasus di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur)
Penulis: Amanah (CRCS, 2010)
Kata-kata Kunci: Agama, Baha’i, identitas dan minoritas
Penelitian ini membahas tentang komunitas Baha’i di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Baha’i merupakan sebuah agama yang disyiarkan pertama kali oleh Bahaullah yang berasal dari Persia. Penelitian ini dibuat berdasarkan pengalaman penulis selama hidup bertahun-tahun di tengah-tengah orang-orang muslim dan orang-orang Baha’i. Penelitian ini membahas isu-isu di seputar masyarakat Baha’i, di antaranya strategi survival kelompok minoritas Baha’i menghadapi kekerasan dan tekanan dari kelompok Mayoritas, terutama di desa Canga’an, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Jumlah penduduk di desa tersebut sekitar 7000, mayoritasnya muslim dan terdapat sekelompok kecil pemeluk agama Baha’i.
Judul: Konsep dan Praktik Pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta
Penulis: Eka Farantina (CRCS, 2010)
Kata-kata Kunci: Pendidikan Islam, konsep, praktik
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengenali secara mendalam cita-cita dan praktik pendidikan Islam yang ada di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam. Hal ini menarik untuk diteliti karena SDIT Alam Nurul Islam merupakan sekolah Islam yang menawarkan tidak adanya dikotomi antara ilmu agama dan ilmu umum dalam kurikulumnya. Alasan berikutnya adalah karena SDIT menawarkan konsep pendidikan yang khas, yang tidak hanya mengawinkan keislaman dengan nilai-nilai modernitas untuk merespon globalisasi, namun juga menawarkan paradigma pembelajaran student centered, konsep “satu bumi, satu dunia”, dan belajar dari realita yang sama dengan konsep dari Paulo Freire, Hans Kund, dan John Dewey. Penelitian ini menjawab tiga rumusan masalah yaitu: 1). Bagaimana konsep pendidikan Islam SDIT Alam NI di Yogyakarta; 2). Bagaimana praktik pendidikan Islam yang ada di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta.