Title | : | Interreligious Dialogue: Case Study on BKSAUA in Manado, North Sulawesi |
Author | : | Samsi Pomalingo (CRCS, 2004) |
Keywords | : | BKSAUA, dialogue, liberation and global responsibility. |
Abstract | ||
This thesis tries to describe and analyze the role of BKSAUA on interreligious life in Manado, North Sulawesi. Formation of interreligious activities developed by BKSAUA is to keep the image of collaboration and interreligious harmony on that island. BKSAUA is an organization that has delegation members from the five religions that are allowed by the government, for example; Islam, Protestant Christian, Catholicism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Also, this organization is formed in every region, such as in the province, regencies and the level of village. Its mission and orientation is to create interreligious harmony in North Sulawesi. Therefore, this research is to describe what is the form of interreligious activities and dialogue developed by BKSAUA in Manado. This thesis is written based on sociology of religious study that uses a functional approach like done by Robert Merton (1957), Talcott Parson (1937), and Kingsley Davis (1937). This approach is to analyze the function of BKSAUA in interreligious life in Manado, North Sulawesi. The result of research indicates the role of BKSAUA is to unify the heterogeneous communities and religions in Manado based on “the principle of unity”. In the spirit of unity, BKSAUA have executed the form of interreligious activities. One of the activities by this organization is interreligious dialogue. There are three forms of interreligious dialogue, consisting of: (1) Dialogue at the level of heads of religions (2) life dialogue, and (3) collaboration dialogue. But, from the result of research, the dialogue movement is still co-existence and has not yet moved to pro-existence in religious people. Transformation from co-existence into pro-existence is not only in ideas as a result of dialogue, but also in attitude, formula and format of social education. So, pro-existence means that dialogue is not only limited to the confession that we are different, but more important is how dialogue discusses global responsibility toward human suffering and ecological crisis. Then, collectively, they have to begin something to change the reality of destitution, starvation, exploitation and ecological crisis. Here, a freeing model dialogue that has global responsibility is needed to be formulated. This dialogue namely is “liberation dialogue”. |
Title: Scientific Interpretation Concerning Creation of Man in the Bible and the Qur’án
Author: Suparjo (CRCS, 2004)
Keywords: God, creation, evolution, interpretation, and theology
The Bible and the Qur’án use various terms and descriptions concerning creation of man. On the one hand, both scriptures describe direct and instant creation of man by God; but on the other hand, both describe gradual creation of man that reveals continuing creation. This makes people of those scriptures become different in understanding it.
Title | : | Peace and Dialogue: Sociological Review of Dialogue and Peace Initiative in Ambon 1999 – 2004 |
Author | : | Yance Zadrak Rumahuru (CRCS, 2005) |
Keywords | : | conflict, dialogue, social community |
Abstract | : | |
This thesis explores the great theme of peace and dialogue within the context of social community (religious people) in Ambon that is reviewed through sociology approach. The study aims to, first, describe how parties involved in communal conflict in Ambon developed dialogue and peace efforts; second, give a map of dialogue process and peace effort done by government and community groups during the conflict in Ambon. It is a disadvantage that discourses about Maluku during conflict tend to be done in form of dichotomy and confrontation between religious communities that blasphemed and killed each other, and just looking for their own trueness or discover violence aspect of the conflict rather than discover some facts on efforts of community groups and government in building dialogue and peace. This research was done in Ambon, by focusing in two locations: Negeri Batumerah in Sirimau subdistrict and Negeri Passo in Teluk Ambon Baguala subdistrict of Ambon town. The choice of these regions is based on consideration that Batumerah and Passo are places that were centers of conflict in Ambon in 1999 to 2002. Second, each negeri has a high level of diversity especially in ethnic background. Third, Batumerah and Passo are customary areas, which culturally have common cultures and traditions with other areas in Ambon and Maluku Tengah entirely. Subjects of the research are kings, local figures, community figures, and youths in two regions. To get data required, the author gave questionnaire consisting of questions with close answers and open answers the respondents should fill. Then, the author made focus group discussion (FGD) with community groups in Batumerah and Passo. Third, in-depth interview was done with 14 informants in the two regions. Research in Passo and Batumerah indicates that government and community groups use structural and cultural approach in order to cease and settle conflict as prerequisite to build reconciliation and rehabilitation in Maluku. However, there is assessment by the local community that government (state) tended to use a structural approach. On the other side, communal groups made dialogue and peace initiative through a bottom- up approach and used local wisdom or pride that in this thesis is called cultural approach. |
Title | : | Sunan Kudus’ Dakwah and Inter-Religious Relationship |
Author | : | Zaenal Muttaqin (CRCS, 2005) |
Keywords | : | Sunan Kudus’ tolerance, cultural dakwah, inter-religious harmony |
Abstract | ||
This research aims at exploring the strategy of dakwah applied by Sunan Kudus when preaching Islam in the early period of Islam in Java and the model of inter-religious relationship occurred in his lifetime. Islam was initially spread in Kudus by Muslims traders from Arab and China. In Kudus, before the coming of Islam, most people were Hindus. Others held Buddhism and local religious beliefs, i.e. animism and dynamism. Not sooner did Sunan Kudus arrive, he became aware that Islam should be taught by using local traditions. He tried to understand previous religious traditions existing in Kudus and then decided to preach Islam while still retaining traditions followed by local people to create harmony in society. The media used by Sunan Kudus to introduce Islam were the prohibition of slaughtering cow as a valuation to Hindus teaching, building temple-shape minaret of Kudus mosque as an architectural combination, and building an eight waterspouts cistern as an appreciation of eightfold path of Buddhism. However, the accommodation and tolerance to other religions did not neglect the prime focus of Sunan Kudus, i.e. preaching Islam to religious others. The goal to convert Hindus and Buddhist people to Islam in Sunan Kudus’ dakwah was indicated as the fulfillment model of inter-religious relationship. From his attitudes to other religious teachings and symbols, Sunan Kudus honored other religions. The valuation of cow as holy in Hinduism, the temple-shape minaret of Al-Aqsha mosque, and the eight waterspout cistern had become the acknowledgement of Sunan Kudus that there were any other ways of salvation within non-Islam religions, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism. Yet he kept on his way preaching Islam since he convinced that Islam is the last and final truth and revelation. |
Judul: Negara Zionis Bukan Negara Yahudi: Telaah atas Pandangan Abdel Wahab El-Messiri
Penulis: M. Nursaid Ali Rido (CRCS, 2006)
Kata-kata kunci: Zionisme, Imperialisme, kelompok fungsional Yahudi, negara Zionis fungsional
Konflik di Timur Tengah selalu menarik disimak. Sebelum tahun 1990-an, Israel, sebagai pihak yang lebih kuat, memilih jalur militeristik untuk “menyelesaikan” konflik dengan Arab. Setelah periode itu, penaklukan terhadap Arab, terutama Palestina, berupa embargo ekonomi dan politik, penutupan jalan-jalan utama, sabotase bantuan makanan dan obat-obatan. Mengapa konflik itu terus berlangsung? Abdel Wahab El-Messiri, seorang intelektual Mesir, berusaha menjawab pertanyaan itu melalui paradigma “kelompok fungsional Yahudi” dan “negara Zionis fungsional”. Paradigma ini melihat fenomena Yahudi dan Zionisme melalui perspektif filosofis-epistemologis, bukan perspektif politik empiris atau agama.
Judul: Pandangan Pesantren Salaf terhadap “The Other” (Studi terhadap Pesantren Sidogiri di Pasuruan, Jawa Timur)
Penulis: Akhmad Munir (CRCS, 2005)
Kata-kata kunci: Pesantren salaf, eksklusivitas agama, truth and salvation claim, ideologisasi agama.
Pesantren Sidogiri, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur adalah pesantren salaf tertua yang tetap eksis di Indonesia. Sebuah pesantren besar yang memiliki sistem pendidikan sendiri dengan mempertahankan model salaf yang tidak berafiliasi dengan sistem pendidikan pemerintah. Sistem pendidikan salaf yang mengacu kepada karya-karya ulama terdahulu telah membentuk karakter khas pesantren dalam melihat komunitas lainnya (“the other” –komunitas Yahudi dan Kristen). Internalisasi nilai-nilai salaf, seperti: pengagungan yang besar terhadap karya ulama-ulama terdahulu, kepatuhan yang penuh kepada Kyai, dan fanatisme yang kuat terhadap Islam telah memberikan pandangan yang unik dalam melihat komunitas umat agama lainnya.