Rabu 22 September 2010 lalu, CRCS – ICRS UGM kedatangan seorang tamu akademisi bidang Religious Studies dari Belanda. Tepatnya di ajang mingguan bertajuk “Wednesday Forum”, Dr. G.M. Speelman, pengajar dan peneliti bidang Religious Studies dan Keislaman di Protestant Theological University (PThU), Negeri Belanda, hadir untuk menjadi pembicara diskusi. Tema yang diangkat pada siang hari itu oleh sarjana perempuan ini adalah “Laki-laki dan Perempuan dalam Dialog Antaragama”.
At the so-called weekly program, “Wednesday Forum”, on Wednesday, 22 September 2010, Dr. G.M. Speelman, a lecturer and researcher of Religious Studies and Islamic Studies at the Protestant Theological University (PThU), the Netherlands, was coming to CRCS as the speaker of the discussion. The theme brought was “Men and Women in Inter–religious Dialogue “.
Approximately at 13.00 the discussion was opened by moderator Leonard C. Epaphras, SSi, MTh, an ICRS doctoral student, after previously begun with a lunch session. Through her presentation, Speelman explained that the theme she brought was based on a research which was conducted in her country, concerning the relation between men and women in the interreligious dialogue. The result of this research is planned to be published in an international journal. And through this forum, a few points from the research would be discussed before presented on a journal.