“CRCS made me jump and I feel that CRCS is my foundation. So, my study in America became easier.”That was what Samsul Ma’arif, CRCS 2001 alumnus, said when asked about CRCS contributions to his career. Samsul, known as Anchu to many, is now doing research for his dissertation about Amatoa Kajang, a local religion, in South Sulawesi. For him, his success now is a continuity of his study which started from his undergraduate degree, and CRCS, in this case, has already given a high jump to his study.
“CRCS membuat saya lompat dan kayak pondasinya saya di situ. Sehingga kemudian mudah untuk belajar di Amerika.” Demikian ungkapan Samsul Ma’arif, alumni CRCS 2001, ketika ditanya mengenai kontribusi CRCS terhadap karirnya saat ini. Samsul yang akrab dipanggil “Anchu”, saat ini sedang dalam masa penelitian untuk disertasinya mengenai Amatoa Kajang di Sulawesi Selatan. Baginya, keberhasilan yang ia rasakan saat ini adalah kesinambungan dari studinya sejak S1, dan CRCS telah memberikan lompatan besar dalam studinya tersebut.
Diskusi Forum Rabu CRCS dan ICRS akan membahas tentang Debat Publik tentang Peran Media dalam Masyarakat : Konteks Indonesia. Pembicara yang akan tampil adalah Prof. David Mould, dosen di Universitas Ohio. Diskusi akan dilaksanakan pada;
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 17 Desember 2008
Jam :12;30 2;30 WIB
Tempat : Ruang 306, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana UGM. Jln. Teknika Utara Pogung Ykt
Di bawah ini merupakan abstrak dan biografi singkat pembicara
Television journalism in Indonesia has experienced rapid expansion and change in the decade since the fall of the New Order regime. New national commercial networks and hundreds of local stations have been opened, providing audiences with a broad range of news and information programs and opening the airwaves to voices that would not have been heard during the Soeharto era. However, this growth has provoked an energetic public debate about the role of media in society. Do journalists, freed from direct government control, have a responsibility to promote national unity in reporting on separatist conflicts or to support mainstream religious principles? Have business owners and commercial advertisers replaced government censors as information gatekeepers? This presentation, based on interviews with television journalists and editors, suggests that Indonesia is experiencing many of the same challenges that other countries face as they emerge from a period of authoritarian control.
The next Wednesday Forum will discuss about
Kami mengundang mahasiswa CRCS dan ICRS, fakultas dan rekan-rekan lainnya untuk berpartisipasi dalam CRCS & ICRS Wednesday Forum minggu ini. Forum kali ini akan menghadirkan Dr. Phil Enns sebagai pembicara, yang akan berbicara tentang “Tiga Alasan Mengapa Kalian Perlu Mencari Kebenaran Secara Serius”. Informasi mengenai forum ini dapat dibaca di bawah ini.
Hari/tanggal: Rabu, 9 Desember 2009
Waktu: 12.30 14.30 WIB (gratis makan siang)
Tempat: Ruang 306, UGM Sekolah Pascasarjana Jln. Teknika Utara Pogung
Pembicara: Dr. Phil Enns
Dear CRCS & ICRS students, faculty and guests, we kindly invite you to participate in the CRCS & ICRS Wednesday Forum of this week. Wednesday forum will have Dr. Phil Enns as the speaker who will talk about “Three Reasons Why You Should Take the Search for Truth Seriously”. Some information about this forum can be read as follows.
Date: Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Time: 12.30 pm