This is not a new thing for Maesur Zaky, a CRCS 2002 alumnus, to struggle with marginalized community for their rights. He works as program manager of Persatuan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) for youth center. He is well-known throughout the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities in Yogyakarta and in other places including in HIV/AIDS communities. These all started from his struggle with them.
His work at PKBI now is prioritized to be done in the communities. “The process in PKBI is to strengthen the communities, for them who are marginalized such as transgender/transsexual, sex workers, young people without home and job, and for them who do marginalization like the mainstream youths. So, both are intervened. For them who are marginalized, they would be strengthened to be able to advocate for themselves, and for the people who marginalize those people would be able to reduce the stigmas and discrimination to the marginalized people.”