Minggu ini Wednesday Forum akan mendiskusikan topik Pergeseran Keremajaan Perempuan di Kalangan Perempuan Muslim: Pengalaman Nasyiatul Aisyiyah. Pembicara dalam forum ini adalah Dr. Siti Syamsiyatun. Kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dalam forum ini. Waktu, tempat, dan informasi singkat tentang forum ini dapat dilihat di bawah ini.
Abstract: The concept of youth has been broadly discussed by many different parties and involving many facets of different considerations, from that related to biological development, psychological, as well as sociological approaches. This presentation attempts to discuss how the notion of youh has been interpreted and applied among Muslim women, particulalrly by those who are involved in Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (henceforth shortened as Nasyiah), an Islamic organization claimed to be serving young Muslim women. Founded in 1931 ?during the late colonial period, in Yogyakarta , Nasyiah couldn?t ascape from the general assumption of the meaning of youth in the community within which it has operated. However, during its course of history, Nasyiah has attempet to promote new idea of young womanhood whisch different from that commonly held by community. Marriage had been a significant, if not the most significant rite of pessage in which a girl is becoming a woman ?an adult woman, regardless of their age. With the availability of public schooling and economic development, age has become more prominent sign of youth than marriage, because many girls have remained longer in the school and many too have sought jobs afterward. Thus marriage age has been delayed and increased. The contemporary trend of youthfulness among Nasyiah activists is no longer marriage and age, but more on the willingness to take up challenges and face risks in the context of organizatioal development..