The next Wednesday forum will discuss about Manggarain Dowry System and the Impact Towards Women. The speaker will be Fransiska Widyawati, M.Hum, a student of ICRS-Yogya. The forum will be held on:
Date : Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Time : 12.30 pm ?2.30 pm (free lunch)
Venue : Room 306, UGM Graduate School Jln. Teknika Utara Pogung
Speaker : Fransiska Widyawati, M.Hum
Below is abstract and short bibliography about the speaker.
The dowry system is one of the important cultural practices of Manggarain. Before marriage, the families of the bride and the bridegroom have to decide the kind and the number of properties that should be paid by the bridegroom?s family. Beside it has a socio cultural good value, this practice is often criticized as source of violence towards women. People even say that belis (Indonesian word for dowry) is an abbreviation of ?beli istri? (to buy a wife). As a consequence wife is sometimes treated as a slave of her husband or her husband?s family and she has to obey their wishes.. She also has no powers of her own.