Wednesday Forum or WedForum is a weekly discussion on Religion and Culture organized by the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS) and the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), Graduate Program Universitas Gadjah Mada. This forum is an academic space for our graduate students, faculties, visiting professors, researches, and Indonesians and overseas scholars to share their part of theses and dissertations, research findings, papers, documentary film, or ongoing research on the issue of religion and culture.
This forum aims at exploring and updating the academic development of religious studies. The forum design to be a space for the academic community to share their activities such as research, publications, etc. Which have done by lecturers, CRCS staff, CRCS students, the exchange student of CRCS, CRCS alumni etc. The forum is open not only for CRCS, but also for outsiders who have a commitment to share religious issues openly and academically.
Each sossion in the forum will present key speakers who will present thier papers for approximately 30 minutes. Afterwards, a discussion will be held. A moderator will guide the forum. The result of the discussion will be up-loaded on CRCS website, so the discussion can be continues on CRCS website.
For people who are interested in being key speaker at CRCS Friday Afternoo Forum, please to send an abstarct and your theme, to Iqbal Ahnaf by email at:
Forum ini bertujuan untuk melakukan eksplorasi dan update perkembangan akademik seputar kajian agama. Forum ini terutama akan menjadi ruang bagi komunitas akademik CRCS untuk memperbincangkan karya dan aktifitas akademik mereka. Termasuk di sini penelitian atau aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh dosen/staf, mahasiswa, dosen dan mahasiswa tamu, dan alumni. Namun demikian, forum ini terbuka bagi siapapun yang mempunyai komitmen untuk memperbincangkan isu-isu agama secara akademik dan terbuka.
Setiap sesi dalam forum akan menghadirkan narasumber yang akan memberikan presentasi sekitar 30 menit dan kemudian disusul dengan dialog terbuka. Forum akan dipimpin oleh seorang moderator. Materi atau rangkuman diskusi akan diupload di website CRCS, sehingga diskusi diharapkan bisa berlanjut melaui website CRCS.
On July 27, 2007, CRCS will hold discussion titled ?Religion and politics in America?. The key speaker will be Peter Levenda and the respondent will be Omer Awwas. Peter Levenda is CRCS Exchange student from the Florida International University and Omer Awwas is CRCS exchange student from the Temple University. The discussion will be held on:
Date: Friday, July 27, 2007
Venue: Graduate School Building, third floor, room 306
Time: 01:00-02:30. PM
Some of Peter Levenda publications are:
- Sinister forces: a Grimier of American political witchcraft, volume I-III
- Unholy alliance, A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult
The discussion is free of charge, if you are interested please come on time.
CRCS akan menyelenggarakan diskusi dengan tema ?Agama dan Politik di Amerika?. Pembicara yang akan hadir dalam diskusi ini adalah Peter Levenda dan responden adalah Omer Awwas. Peter Levenda merupakan CRCS student exchange dari the Florida International University and Omer Awwas merupakan CRCS exchange student dari the Temple University. Diskusi akan dilaksanakan pada:
Hari: Jum?at, July 27, 2007
Tempat: Gedung Pascasarjana UGM, Ruang 306
Jam: 13:00-14:30. WIB
Beberapa karya Peter Levenda adalah:
On July 18, 2007, CRCS and ICRS will hold discussion titled ?Indonesia Betrayed; How Development Exploited?. The key speaker will be Elizabeth Fuller Collins PhD. The speaker is a lecturer at Ohio University since 1991. The discussion will be held on:
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Venue: Graduate School Building , third floor, room 306
Time: 02.00-04.00. PM
Some of the speaker publications about Indonesia are:
- Islam is the Solution: Dakwah and Democracy in Indonesia. (2004, forthcoming).
- Islam and the Habits of Democracy: Islamic Organizations in Post-New Order South Sumatra. Indonesia (2004).
- Indonesia: A Violent Culture? Asian Survey 42:4 (2002)
- Multinational Capital, New Order Development? and Democratization in South Sumatra. Indonesia 71 (2001).
- To Know Shame in Malay Societies. With Ernaldi Bahar. Crossroads 14 (2000).
- (Re)negotiating Gender Hierarchy in the New Order: A South Sumatran Field Study Asia Pacific Viewpoint 37:2 (1996).
To know more about Elizabeth Fuller Collins PhD. and her paper which relates to the topic of discussion, please download here.