Pada tanggal 5 Juni 2007, CRCS akan menyelenggarakan diskusi dengan tema ?Jurnalis Muslim di Canada?. Pembicara yang akan hadir adalah Haroon Siddique. Haroon Siddique merupakan seorang jurnalis muslim di Canada yang menerima penghargaan the Order of Canada, suatu penghargaan tertinggi yang bisa diterima oleh warga sipil di Canada. Penghargaan ini diberikan bagi warga Canada yang telah menunjukkan dedikasi yang luar biasa yang memberikan nilai lebih bagi Canada. Penghargaan tersebut diterima Haroon Siddique atas usahanya dalam memperjuangan ?keadilan dan kesamaan kesempatan di Canada.
Wednesday Forum or WedForum is a weekly discussion on Religion and Culture organized by the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS) and the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), Graduate Program Universitas Gadjah Mada. This forum is an academic space for our graduate students, faculties, visiting professors, researches, and Indonesians and overseas scholars to share their part of theses and dissertations, research findings, papers, documentary film, or ongoing research on the issue of religion and culture.
![]() DATE AND TIME Wednesday, April 2, 2014 @ 1 -3 PM
VENUE CRCS, Room 406 Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta Tel. 544 976
ABSTRACT I propose an inquiry into performances (i.e. dance) dance within transnationalism as a space of transcending border and reconfiguring alignment. In this project, I try to locate performance— the embodiment of dance technique, a mastered bodily code—as a possibility of dissident feminist praxis. I aim through this presentation to engage the idea of examining local cultural disturbance and of so-called “injustice, especially with many extraction of natural sources” where the construction of marginality and representation requires [often] idea of universal. This space of transnationalism has become a competitive place, as “different” being constructed, the shared concern are limited to how language of necessity mediates and what was the one who make the concern able to cross borders, which I call the imagination of the transient border, through ritual, dance technique and performance spaces. In this Wednesday forum, I question the idea of feminism without borders, as Chandra Talpade Mohanty suggests, made possible through artistic performances and narratives taking place within the global aesthetic. Also meditation through Marta Savigliano’s conception on the issue of “world dance.” PRESENTER Rachmi Diyah Larasati Ph.D is Associate Professor of Dance, cultural theory and historiography at Theatre Arts and Dance & Feminist Studies (Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Aff.) University of Minnesota. Currently, she is visiting professor at Graduate School (UGM), IRB (Sanatadharma University) and UIN with Lisafa. Larasati is a former guest faculty at Brown University Critical Global Humanities Research Institute (2011) and Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia (2012), University of Addis Ababa, Ethiophia (2011) and Universidad de Granada, Spain (2011). She is the author of The Dance that Makes You Vanish (University of Minnesota Press, 2013); Crossing the Seas of Southeast Asia: Indigenous, Islam, Diasporic and Performances of Women’s Igal (Oxford, 2014), etc. |
Prof. Nawal Ammar
In her presentation about Are Islamic Thinking and Ecofeminism Possible, Prof. Ammar explained that it is not difficult to understand the ecological crisis in its apparent manifestations as polluted air, radiation, contamination of water, and the eradication of entire species of animals and plants.
However, as Foucault (1978) argued we do not live in an ecology but we live in a culture that influences ecology. A number of new episteme have been introduced regarding the relationship between culture and the environment in the past quarter of a century, Ecofeminism is one of those episteme that examines such a relationship.
Krisis besar memerlukan energi besar untuk menghadapinya. Memandang dahsyatnya tantangan yang diakibatkan krisis lingkungan di masa ini, tak mengejutkan jika agama kemudian terlibat dan dilibatkan. Dari banyak dimensi krisis itu, pembahasan buku ini terpusat pada salah satu persoalan lingkungan terbesar, yaitu konsumsi dan populasi. Konsumsi berlebihan dan pertambahan pendudukan yang tak terkendali adalah dua faktor utama yang membebani daya-dukung bumi secara berlebihan. Sampai kapan bumi mampu menanggungnya?
God, Life, and the Cosmos: Science and Religion’s Perspective
Paperback: 470 pages
Publisher: Mizan cooperated with CRCS UGM
Year: 2006
In a continually changing global situation, there is an urgent need for dialogue among the various faith traditions. Such dialogue and discourse can take many forms and subjects. The science discourses from the perspective of religion is one of them. This method can build a new road to a sharper awareness of God, man, and nature, the place where we all live.