Slide presentasi diskusi Wednesday Forum, 4 September 2013, dengan tema “Bridging Interfaith Dialogue Through The Virgin Mary” bisa diunduh dibawah ini:
1. Sharing Mary-Marlies Ter Borg.
2. FACE OF MARY- Dr. Fredrik Y.A. Doeka.
3. Gender Issues on Sharing Mary-Alimatul Qibtiyyah.
Silakan hadiri Wednesday forum berikutnya setiap hari Rabu jam 13.00 -15.00 di ruang 406 lantai 4 gedung sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM. Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta.
The presentations slides of Wednesday Forum, Sept. 4th 2013, “Bridging Interfaith Dialogue Through The Virgin Mary” can be downloaded below:
1. Sharing Mary-Marlies Ter Borg.
2. FACE OF MARY- Dr. Fredrik Y.A. Doeka.
3. Gender Issues on Sharing Mary-Alimatul Qibtiyyah.
We invite you to come to our Wednesday Forum every wednesday at 1-3 PM, room 406, 4th floor of Graduate School Building, UGM. Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta.
Nicole Laux is one of English instructors at CRCS for periode 2010 to 2012 from the United State. For two years she had been living in Yogyakarta and starting to use a motorbike. From her motorbike she observed how people live in the city which has many names: the city of culture, the city of education, the city of tolerance, the city of young people, and the city of motorbike. In her writing for Shansi, the instituion that sent her to Yogya, she share what life looks like from a motor cycle, as she wrote below:
When it rains in a motorbike riding country people sometimes stop on the side of the road and wait it out, but I would say most people want to get to their final destination, so they put on a poncho. As much as I hated driving in the rain, and hated having to put on my blue-plastic- shin-length-perpetually-moldy-smelling- sort- of- slimy- when – I-forget- to-dry-it –out-poncho, I liked the 20 second adrenalin rush I got when I was trying to get into my poncho as fast as I could. I got pretty good. If I was at a stop light and the green light countdown was at 30 seconds I knew that I could dismount my bike, take off my helmet, open my seat, take out my poncho, and put it on, and still have 10-5 seconds to get my helmet back on and turn on my bike. It’s almost like me and all the drivers were super heroes changing into our crime fighting outfit to fight the oppressive rain. Once the masses have their ponchos on, there is a sea of plastic capes flapping behind the lone drivers, families of 2-4 huddled under one or two ponchos, and the best, couples on bikes with two headed ponchos looking like a two headed alien”.
Read the whole story at here
Nicole Laux adalah salah satu pengajar bahasa Inggris di CRCS periode 2012-2013 asal Amerika. Selama dua tahun ia tinggal di Yogyakarta dan mengamati kehidupan masyarakat di kota yang memiliki banyak nama ini: kota budaya, kota pendidikan, kota toleran, kota anak muda, dan kota sepeda motor. Dari identitas kota yang terakhir inilah Nicole menulis kehidupan orang-orang di Yogyakarta yang diamatinya melalui sepeda motor yang dikendarainya setiap hari, seperti yang ditulisnya dibawah ini:
Anwar Masduki Azzam | CRCS | Article
Rome was not built in a day…
While seeing our photos and sketching them thoroughly, those words suddenly came into my mind. Since I lived in Singapore for 2.5 months, mingling and having friend each others around the Asians, our beloved guides, Dr. Kay and Dr. Tan patiently taught and escorted us academically until the day of conference approached. It was not a short time, when in the end you knew that everything you prepared had been paid off. You would be very satisfied with your own effort and proudly admitted it as the best one of what you could do in the past. It is like the history of Roman Empire which needs long time process to be one of the greatest kingdom and civilization in the world. In short, to live as a scholar we also need to prolong our process, make it step by step patiently to reach the satisfying goal to come.
It was the 8th Asia Graduate Student Fellowship (AGSF) academically becoming my first international step in overseas. The program is “offered to graduate students from Asian countries working in the Humanities and Social Sciences on Asian topics, and it allows the recipients to be based at NUS for a period of two and a half months”.
Hosted by Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore (NUS), there were totally 35 graduate students from Asia to gather and enroll an academic course on writing and presentation. Starting from 15 may, all participants would present their own paper in a week of international conference called Asia Graduate Student Forum (also AGSF) held in the end of July.
What I prepared to apply was writing my two-page applications composing of the background of my proposal thesis and the anticipated scheduled time for doing literature research and writing it into a paper there. We had better also write down some rare books only provided in NUS’ library and the professors of ARI whom we think can help much on writing our thesis / paper. Our last fellow of ARI before us, Mas Darwin (CRCS batch 2010) told me that those books and professors can be a meaningful attempt to persuade the approval decision by ARI’s committee. It means that you completely need this program to assist your thesis writing process. Then we should email those two-page applications and the two enclosed recommendations from your professor or thesis advisors.
We arrived in Singapore on May 15, living together with 34 other graduate fellows in PGPR (Prince George Park Residence) within NUS campus. At least every three days a week we should attend the meeting in ARI at Bukit Timah campus. It takes around 20 minutes using the campus shuttle bus called BTC (Bukit Timah Campus). Also you can use MRT (Mass Rapid Transportation) from Kent Ridge to Botanic Garden around 15 minutes.
After completing the administration of Manpower ministry, our ARI officer, Chelvi guided our tour into ISEAS (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies) library near to PGPR and the Central library in the heart of NUS campus. Those two libraries are important for us, since it becomes the aim of the program, to enable us to make full use of the wide range of resources held in the libraries of NUS and ISEAS library. In fact, there are two other libraries access such as Law library and Medical library, but perhaps, those two libraries are not mostly needed to your social research. However, you can visit them and borrow many books freely on every library at NUS.
Feeling satisfied with our efforts and things we did in the past regarding to our final day presentation becomes the precious things for me. How we prepared ourselves, practiced and gave comment each others are those that would mark our soul with the deepest admission about how we should be well prepared before doing presentation. Some who are well-trained person in presenting maybe not quite interested as many of us. However, I would say that it was very important since this program was the first experience for me to join an international academic atmosphere.
Indeed, the first experience sometimes makes someone feel uncomfortable, unconfident and threatened by surroundings. Those true feelings dragged me into the conditions that I have never felt before. For instance, only imagining that I will present my paper in front of many scholars attending the conference has made me shaken and wanted to come back to Indonesia as soon as possible. Fortunately, two and a half months under the guidance of Dr. Kay and Dr. Tan brought me into consideration that we can do anything better if we have enough time and most obviously well preparation. Other people helping me a lot were Prof. Michael Feener and Prof. Martin van Bruinessen who kindly became my mentors. Their guidance offered me a lot experience to learn from the famous scholars directly and freely. They gave me their best assistance to ensure that my paper was well-written by giving much critics and feedback as well as some useful references.
As result, when the conference day came, I felt that my confidence had grown higher than the first time I came in Singapore. Presenting my paper entitled “Gus Dur as The tenth saint; The social construction of Understanding Wali in Java”, I did not want to say that my presentation had grabbed big success. However, I have to confess that if you want to be more confidence in an academic atmosphere for the first time, you basically need enough time, well prepared and do not forget to seek guidance from other professors.
The 8th Asia Graduate Student Fellowship gave me much precious thing which is never forgotten in the whole of my life. It becomes my international step in overseas literally and non-literally. It also offered me a lot of experience with many great fellows and people out there. This experience signified my precious process to find my Rome firstly. You, all, should join this program for building your own Rome in your life.