Agama dan Budaya Lokal merupakan dua isu yang belakangan ini mendapat banyak perhatian tidak hanya kaum terdidik namun juga masyarakat luas. Perhatian ini terutama didorong oleh maraknya kasus kekerasan atas nama Agama di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Fenomena kekerasan atas nama Agama ini mendorong orang untuk menengok ke dalam peranan Agama dalam masyarakat. Kekerasan itu misalnya berbentuk “penyesatan” atas kelompok dalam Agama. Bentuk lain adalah “peminggiran” terhadap apa yang disebut dengan istilah “agama lokal” atau agama yang dipengaruhi budaya lokal setempat. Dari sini kemudian muncul istilah Agama resmi dan agama non-resmi.
Sebagaimana Laporan Tahunan Kehidupan Beragama di Indonesia yang diterbitkan CRCS tahun 2008, 2009 dan 2010, keberadaan Ahmadiyah di Indonesia sarat kontroversi semenjak kedatangannya pada tahun 1920-an hingga sekarang. Kontestasi antara Muslim mainstream dengan Ahmadiyah semakin terlembagakan setelah penerbitan fatwa MUI tentang Ahmadiyah Qadiyan tahun 1980. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan fatwa tahun 2005. Di luar masalah tersebut, peran Negara dalam mengatur kehidupan beargama juga berkontribusi terhadap permalahan Ahmadiyah di Indonesia, Penerbitan SKB Tiga Menteri tahun 2008 telah memberikan ekses negatif yaitu penyerangan terhadap kelompok dan rumah ibadah Jamaah Ahmadiyah.
Laman ini menyediakan database bibliografi tentang kehidupan beragama di Indonesia dengan tema Kontroversi Ahmadiyah di Indonesia. Cakupan sumber yang terdapat dalam laman ini terdiri dari sumber koran, kertas kerja, artikel, jurnal ilmiah, buku, skripsi, dan tesis. Sebagian besar bibliografi tersedia tautan link akses artikel penuh.
Selanjutnya, silahkan lihat Laporan Tahunan Kehidupan Beragama di Indonesia tahun 2008, 2009dan 2010
Laporan Tahunan dan Investigatif
Written by Testriono
New research may hold key to Indonesia’s church-building controversy
In Bogor, in Indonesia’s West Java province, the Presbyterian congregation GKI Yasmin has been prohibited by the local administration from holding services in their church for years.
Indonesia’s Supreme Court has ruled that revoking the church’s permit is illegal. However, GKI Yasmin and many churches like it have not been protected from a small but vocal minority in Indonesia that has tried to prevent churches from receiving building and worship permits – and in some cases has even organized mobs to attack churches and congregants.
The case of GKI Yasmin is troubling, but is not representative of the status of all churches across the country. Throughout Indonesia, there are churches that successfully receive permits to build and whose congregants worship peacefully in religiously diverse neighborhoods. Those working to resolve the problems in Bogor can look to the positive examples of interfaith relations in communities that have overcome religious tensions. …
Read more Asia Sentinel
Written by Testriono
The GKI Yasmin congregation in Bogor has been prohibited by the local administration from holding services in its church for years. The Supreme Court has ruled that revoking the church’s permit is illegal. However, GKI Yasmin and many other churches in Indonesia have not been protected from a small but vocal minority that has tried to prevent them from receiving permits to build and worship — a minority that in some cases has even organized mobs to attack them.
The case of GKI Yasmin is troubling, but it is not representative of the status of all churches across the country. Throughout Indonesia, there are churches that do successfully receive building permits and congregations that can worship peacefully in religiously diverse neighborhoods. People working to resolve the problems in Bogor can look to the positive examples of interfaith relations in communities that have overcome religious tensions. …
Read more The Jakarta Post
Written by Testriono
Jakarta – In Bogor, a city in Indonesia’s West Java province, the Presbyterian congregation GKI Yasmin has been prohibited by the local administration from holding services in their church for years. Indonesia’s Supreme Court has ruled that revoking the church’s permit is illegal. However, GKI Yasmin and many churches like it have not been protected from a small but vocal minority in Indonesia that has tried to prevent churches from receiving building and worship permits – and in some cases has even organised mobs to attack churches and congregants.
The case of GKI Yasmin is troubling, but is not representative of the status of all churches across the country. Throughout Indonesia, there are churches that successfully receive permits to build churches and whose congregants worship peacefully in religiously diverse neighbourhoods. Those working to resolve the problems in Bogor can look to the positive examples of interfaith relations in communities that have overcome religious tensions. …
Read more CG News
Written by Testriono
Improving peaceful coexistence between majority and minority religious groups in contemporary Indonesia remains an uphill challenge for the country’s commitment to religious freedom. The role of the state is crucial in nurturing this relationship.
The ongoing obstruction of the establishment of the GKI Yasmin Church in Bogor, West Java, is a recent tangible example of the challenge.
Planned since 2001, GKI Yasmin obtained a building license from the local government in 2006. However, in 2008 the mayor of Bogor annulled the permit for unspecified reasons. …
Read more The Jakarta Post