Title | : | Gombakan Tradition in Islam Society in Merbabu Mount Slope, Subdistrick of Pakis Magelang, Central Java |
Author | : | Parngadi (CRCS, 2009) |
Keywords | : | Gombakan Tradition, Dreadlock, Children, Moslem Society and The slope of Merbabu Mount |
Abstract | : | |
The aim of this thesis is not only to present unique and interesting tradition but also to see the existence of this tradition in Islam society. Because of that, this is field research that takes data in the field and then looks for books that relate each other. This way is taken too see the existence and the development of the gombakan tradition deeply in Islam society. One of the possibilities that need to see is the impact of this tradition to the belief of the society in Banyusidi, subdistrict of Pakis Magelang in the slope of Merbabu Mount as the Moslem society. The method in this research is to collect all of the data about gombakan tradition and the sequences of the ritual in it. The next step is to compare this tradition with some books that focus on traditions as well as rituals to see deeply the impact of this tradition in Islam society. The result of this research reveals that the existence of gombakan tradition especially in Banyusidi, subdistrict of Pakis Magelang in the slope of Merbabu Mount strengthen the belief of people there as Moslem society. There is not only the value of the togetherness in this tradition but also the act of releasing from the impact of mysteriousness. The mysteriousness thing in this village is the appearance of the dreadlock on children. Not only do the parents of dreadlock children who have psychology burden but particularly the children who dreadlock in their hair. Because of that the gombakan tradition is regarded as the real solution to release children there from dreadlock as the mysteriousness thing. Until now this tradition is still exist and the society in the slope of Merbabu Mount in general keep this tradition well. |
Title | : | Religiosity of Lengger Dance of Desa Gerduren Kecamatan Purwojati Banyumas |
Author | : | Robertus Suraji (CRCS, 2004) |
Keywords | : | religiosity, transformation, differentiation |
Abtract | : | |
Dance of Lengger is folk dance that thrives in the region of ex-Karesidenan Banyumas, especially in the agricultural area or in villages. This dance represents traces of the previous Hindu culture. A sect of Hinduism that is Cakta Tantrayana belived in Goddess of Durga as the vertility goddess. In worship ceremonies, the dance like Lengger were used to request fertility. When the Hindu teaching reached Java there was transformation of meaning in this dance, caused by syncretism with Javanese belief. In Java, Goddess of Sri was believed goddess. Long ago in the area of Banyumas, dance of Lengger became social the tool of society to be grateful to all Deities after harvest. In its growth later on dance of Lengger naturally had meaning differentiation, of religious meaning to secular meaning. This dance today in some ways exploits the erotic.Village societies of Gerduren that till now still take care of this dance of Lengger, feel that dance is the part of society life of Gerduren village. Till now, they do certain rituals to take care of dance community. Rituals run by Lengger community of Gerduren village relate their belief of existence of spirit as protector of dance of Lengger. The spirit which is ordinarily referred to as the Indang so called Kastinem. Attendance of Kastinem Indang in an show of Lengger is believe to give supernatural strength to the dancer of Lengger. Trust about existence of Indang Kastinem in their belief does not oppose their belief in God. In reading of the writer, believing of existence of Indang Kastinem represents manifestation of alonging of God which is immanent, God which is near by and accompany them. Lengger community of Gerduren village have the conscious that they will not overcome problems of life with their own. They require strength aid from outside themseves. That strength they find in Indang Kastinem which they trust also comes from God. Of above mentioned description, it can be concluded that dance of Lengger of Gerduren village still has certain religious meaning. |
Title: Maintaining Tradition, Constructing Identity: Identity Construction of “Orang Laut” in Saponda, Southeast Sulawesi
Author: Saifudin (CRCS, 2009)
Keywords: The Badjau, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Identity Construction.
This thesis describes identity construction performed by the Badjaus who become the orang laut community settling a small island named Saponda in Konawe district, Southeast Sulawesi. The Badjau’s identity could be identified by their settlement and their daily life which always bound up with the sea; the reason making Badjau as orang laut. Historically, the Badjaus are the boat men who do not live in the house permanently living in the boat only, but nowadays, the Badjaus have already dwelled numerous coastal areas in Indonesia and many of them dwelled small islands—such as Saponda Island. The fact that the orang laut’s identity was originally built in the sea, does not mean that their identity was static. From the research performed, it was found that government’s policy such as education, health facility and the interaction between Badjaus and other tribes (orang darat) have influenced their identity construction. On the contrary, orang laut’s identity, however, is still there even though out-side values have continuously been appearing.
Judul: Diskriminasi terhadap Agama Minoritas: Studi terhadap Eksistensi Komunitas Tolotang di Amparita Kecamatan Tellu Limpoe Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang, Sulawesi Selatan
Penulis: Hasse J (CRCS, 2004)
Kata-kata Kunci: Tolotang, diskriminasi agama, agama minoritas, hubungan antaragama, agama dan negara
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seputar eksistensi dan diskriminasi yang dialami oleh komunitas Tolotang di Amparita. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah: (1) Ada faktor internal dan eksternal yang mendukung eksistensi komunitas Tolotang sehingga masih bisa eksis sampai sekarang meskipun berhadapan dengan komunitas mayoritas. (2) Terdapat berbagai macam bentuk diskriminasi yang dialami oleh Tolotang yang berasal dari masyarakat maupun pemerintah.
Judul: Dui’ Menre’ dalam Pernikahan Bugis Bone di Sulawesi Selatan
Penulis: Juhansar Andi Latief (CRCS, 2009)
Kata-kata Kunci: dui’ ménré, pernikahan, Bugis, Bõné, Adat, dan Agama
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan aksiologi dalam budaya dui’ menre’ pada pernikahan Bugis Bone di Sulawesi Selatan yang masih tetap eksis di tengah-tengah modernisasi sekarang ini, serta untuk mengidentifikasi dan menggambarkan peran tradisi kecil dan tradisi besar di dalamnya. Gambaran dan argumentasi mengenai hal-hal tersebut dilakukan melalui analisis terhadap bentuk, dasar pertimbangan, prinsip-prinsip yang diberlakukan, dan akibat-akibat sosial budaya dalam tatanan kehidupan masyarakat serta pemecahannya.
Judul: Jalan Jalang Ketuhanan: Gatholoco dan Dekonstruksi Santri Brai
Penulis: Heru Siswanto (CRCS, 2009)
Kata-Kata Kunci: serat suluk gatholoco, sastra, tasawuf, agama dan budaya
Serat Gatholoco merupakan salah satu karya sastra suluk Jawa yang ditulis di penghujung abad ke-19. Secara umum, serat ini masih dipandang kontroversial. Ia kerap dianggap sebagai karya sastra picisan (mesum) yang hanya dilontarkan untuk menghujat Islam.
Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah upaya pembacaan secara deisolatif. Artinya, pembacaan atas Serat Gatholoco dilakukan dengan melibatkan teks-teks sastra suluk Jawa lainnya ataupun juga pandangan-pandangan tasawuf yang menjadi paradigma sastra suluk Jawa. Dengan kata lain, yang lebih diutamakan dalam pembacaan ini adalah pencarian keterkaitan Serat Gatholoco dengan serat-serat Jawa lainnya. Keterkaitan tekstual semacam ini dipandang sebagai karakteristik dominan dalam kesusastraan Jawa tradisional.