Title | : | RELIGIOUS RITUAL AND SOCIETY (Cirebonese People’s Reasons for Practicing the Jumatan in the Grave of Sunan Gunung Djati and Its Significance to Others) |
Author | : | Burhanudin Sanusi (CRCS, 2005) |
Abstract | ||
This research is aimed at investigating the relationship between the Jumatan ritual that is regularly performed in the grave of Sunan Gunung Djati, Cirebon, West Java and Cirebonese society. However, it is not going to look comprehensively into the root of the Jumatan in context of its historical or political backgrounds. The Jumatan is based on belief in the spirit of Sunan that is well known or called berkah (blessing), which is believed coming directly from God and can help the participant’s life problems. In order to get the connection, the study focuses on the participants’ reasons for practicing the Jumatan that would make sure the construction of the Jumatan, its significance for Cirebonese’s life, and its existence or continuation. Every Thursday night (malam Jum’at) thousands people, who have different reasons, ethnicities, and even religious backgrounds come to the grave to practice the Jumatan. Some of them come from other regions such as Tegal, Brebes, Majalengka, Bandung, Subang, Karawang, and Jakarta. In term of their reasons is also varies: economy, health, marriage, career, and family. To develop this study, the research uses literature and field resources. The literature research is dealing with written resources that are valuable in developing the study of the Jumatan. It includes ritual studies that is conducted in different societies, but has some similarities with the Jumatan. The filed research however is accomplished after collecting some written data and is based on in depth interview. It serves to reconstruct the participant’s of the Jumatan, accidents, activities, feelings, motivations, and demands. In addition, the Jumatan has many symbolic meanings and should be approached through ethnographical studies, which to understand another way of life from the native point of view. The continuation of the Jumatan relates to the belief in the spirit of Sunan and the interests of society. This point is the most important part to make sure the subsistence of the Jumatan. The participants give an attention in the ritual because it accommodates their life problems. Regarding the reason, no participant of the Jumatan has religious reason, but worldly (or secular) reason, and is personal, does not emphasize social solidarity among them. The Jumatan is meaningful ritual depending on the way people deal with. For the participant it has religious or sacred meaning and for non-participant, however, it can economic or social importance. |
Judul: TUTUP LAYANG (Manifestasi Kebersamaan Masyarakat Brondong, Lamongan, Jawa Timur)
Penulis: Budi Ashari (CRCS, 2006)
Kata-kata Kunci : Pluralitas, Brondong, Tutup Layang, organisasi keagamaan, kebersamaan, harmoni sosial, dan ideologi disembunyikan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan bahwa pluralitas pemahaman keagamaan dalam sebuah masyarakat tidak selalu melahirkan konflik atau ketegangan. Perbedaan dapat juga melahirkan saling pengertian dan pemahaman yang tercermin dalam sebuah ritual Tutup Layang di kelurahan Brondong. Multikulturalitas dan pluralitas dapat menumbuhkan sikap toleran dan kebersamaan dalam masyarakat. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konteks masyarakat Brondong? Bagaimana pula sejarah dan proses ritual Tutup Layang? dan Mengapa ritual tersebut mampu memanifestasikan kebersamaan mesyarakat? Permasalahan pokok penelitian adalah mengapa dalam sebuah masyarakat yang memiliki banyak organisasi keagamaan berbeda-beda tetapi dapat menciptakan suasana harmonis, toleran, saling kerjasama, dan tidak terlalu menghiraukan perbedaan ideologis? Kerangka teori penelitian ini menggunakan teori Andrew Beatty tentang slametan di Bayu. Slametan menjadi arena multivokalitas. Slametan memunculkan harmoni sosial. Slametan mampu menyembunyikan pemahaman ideologis pesertanya. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan partisipasi langsung. Teknik analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan cara (a) pereduksian data; (b) eksplorasi data; (c) verifikasi data; dan (d) analisis dan penyimpulan data.
Title | : | Arabic Christian Apologetics Within The First Hundred Years of Abbasid Caliphate (750-850 CE) |
Author | : | Christian Paulus Sidenden (CRCS, 2005) |
Keywords | : | Arabic-Christian Apologetics – Theological Language – Interreligious Dialogue |
Abstract | ||
This research aims at remapping the theological language of Muslim-Christian interreligious dialogue in Indonesian context. It takes two of most important believes of Christianity, Trinity and Christology as the discussed problems. This is a referential research of some philosophical and theological books, journals of religious traditions, and some of websites data. As its examples, apologetical works had been chosed three of notoriously Arab-Christian apologets, which are : Theodore Abu Qurrae (740-825 CE), Catholicos Timothy I of Assyrian Church (727-823 CE), and Abd al-Masih al-Kindi (c. 9th century CE). The data obtained by analysing it in quantitative models of dialogue. The models would be in polemics, interviews or correspondence form between Mulim and Christian representatives. The research finding show that there are two factors that would benefit the recently and future interreligious dialogues between Muslim and Christian believers, i.e., the internal Christian external Muslims readiness hearing Christians explain their divine doctrines, factors. The internal factor dealings with how exactly Christians understanding who God they worshipping and how their God performs the salvation in human’s language of thought. The external factor dealings with how deeply Muslims’ understanding of Islamic unitive God that necessarily not be entrapped into philosophical reasonings (contra Mu’tazilite doctrines). The general strategy to overcome these two faiths are in hindrance to acknowledge each beliefs idea of one and the same God is by accustomed the believers used Arabic terms and idioms of theology. The terms of dhat, shifat, and uqnum can be useful to catch each of faith unique beliefs on God. |
Judul: KONFLIK DAN KOMPROMI ADAT DENGAN AGAMA (Kasus Perkawinan Suku Tolaki di Sulawesi Tenggara)
Penulis: Asliah Zainal (CRCS, 2005)
Kata-kata kunci: Konflik, Kompromitas, Adat, Agama, Perkawinan, Tolaki.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan konflik dan kompromitas antara adat di satu sisi dan agama di sisi lain dalam realitas perkawinan suku Tolaki di Sulawesi Tenggara. Gambaran tentang konflik dan kompromitas adat dan agama dilakukan melalui analisis terhadap bentuk, faktor-faktor penyebab, dan implikasi konflik dan kompromitas adat dan agama terhadap kehidupan sosial.
Penulis: Eliasar Timotius Chandra (CRCS, 2005)
Kata-kata kunci: oikonomia, pelayan Gereja, dan persoalan lingkungan hidup (ekologi).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan krisis ekologi dan bagaimana Gereja-gereja pada umumnya dan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia secara khusus telah merespon selama ini soal lingkungan hidup dan Oikonomia sebagai salah satu model pelayanan Gereja terhadap masalah lingkungan hidup.
Judul: METODE STUDI AGAMA IBN HAZM (Sebuah Kajian Terhadap Kitab Al-Fashl fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa’ wa an-Nihal)
Penulis: Bakhruddin Fannani (CRCS, 2005)
Kata Kunci: Metode, Studi Agama, Ibn Hazm dan Zhâhiriyah (tekstualisme)
Penelitian tentang pandangan-pandangan Ibn Hazm yang dituangkan dalam karya tulisnya, al-Fashl fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwâ’ wa an-Nihal, ini bertujuan untuk mengambil pelajaran, bagi perkembangan pemikiran dialog antar agama dari salah satu pribadi menonjol dalam sejarah Islam di Andalusia; dan memahami gagasangagasan Ibn Hazm tentang agama-agama, demi mencari gagasan-gagasan alternatif tentang metode studi agama; serta menambah informasi dalam memperkaya teori dialog antar agama.