Dr. Samsul Maarif

Dr. Samsul Maarif

Samsul Maarif is a faculty member, and now serves as the head of MA program of the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS), Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada. His research interests include religions of indigenous people, ecology, community development and advocacy. He is now the coordinator of a consortium called Intersectoral Collaboration for Indigenous Religions (ICIR) “Rumah Bersama”, working on issues of indigenous people (Kepercayaan/masyarakat adat).

Email address: samsul.maarif75@ugm.ac.id


  • 2006-2012. Arizona State University, Temple, Arizona. AS. Ph.D. in Religious Studies.
  • 2004-2005. Florida International University, Miami, Florida. AS. MA in Religious Studies.
  • 2001-2003. Gadjah Mada University Jogjakarta, Indonesia. M.A in Religious and Cross-cultural Studies.
  • 1995-1999. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN/ The State Institute for Islamic Studies) Alauddin, Makassar, Indonesia. S1 in Islamic Theology and Philosophy.

Work Experience

  • Facilitator of the School of Indigenous Religions. 2023
  • Faculty and research member of the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS), Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada. 2012-present
  • Facilitator/mentor at Fellowship on FORB: Mainstreaming FoRB in Academia. Jointly organized by CRCS UGM, YLBHI, Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration, Universitas Jember; Serikat Pengajar Hak Asasi Manusia (Sepaham); Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera. 2019-present
  • Coordinator of the Intersectoral Collaboration on Indigenous Religions (ICIR) Rumah Bersama. https://icir.or.id/. 2019-present
  • Facilitator/mentor at Sekolah Pengelola Pengelaan Keragaman CRCS UGM. Sponsored by the Asia Foundation. 2015-2019
  • Facilitator/Mentor at Short Course on Methodology by Diktis Kemendag RI and CRCS UGM. October 2017-2019.
  • Facilitator/mentor at Sekolah Pengelola Pengelaan Keragaman CRCS UGM. Sponsored by the Asia Foundation. 2015-2019.
  • Facilitator/Mentor at Short Course on Methodology by Diktis Kemendag RI and CRCS UGM. October 2017-2019


  • Indigenous Religions of Yogyakarta. 2023.
  • (2022-2023) “Dancing Dialogue: Embodying Diversity in Indonesia”. Research Collaboration of CRCS UGM (Represented by Samsul Maarif) and Centre of Dance Study of Coventry University (Emma Meehan), sponsored by Leverhulme Trust.
  • (2022-2023). “How environmental social movements use religious creativity in Indonesia”. International Research Collaboration sponsored by Leverhulme Trust. (Samsul Maarif and Jonathan Smith)
  • (2020-2022) “Religious Perceptions on Environment in Indonesia”. Research Collaboration of CRCS UGM, ICRS Yogyakarta, and Redbound University. Research Coordinator.
  • (2019-2021) “Documentary Films on Indonesian Pluralities”. Research Collaboration of CRCS UGM, Boston University, and Watchdoc. Sponsored by the Ford Foundation: Research Coordinator on “Atas Nama Percaya” and “Perempuan Muslim Indonesia”
  • (2018-2020) “Ecotourism untuk Pelestarian Ekologi Adat dan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Komunitas Ammatoa Kajang”. Sponsored by LPDP. Research Principle Investigator.
  • (2019-2020) “Shifting Trends and Patterns Shaping the Environment for Tolerance and Radicalization”. Sponsored by Harmoni Program. One of 3 Research Coordinators
  • (2019-2020) “Infrastructures of Faith: Religious Mobility on the Belt and Road”. Sponsored by the Collaborative Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Collaborative research (on “Building Inter-cultural Engagement among Muslim Workers in Hong Kong”).
  • (2019-2020) “Examining Advocacies on Ahmadiyah in West Java”. Sponsored by the Asia Foundation. Research Coordinator.
  • (2016- 2019) “Building Social Capital for Community Development and Conflict Prevention in Papua”. Sponsored by NZ-UGM CaRED Programme. Program Coordinator


  • (2023, with Syamsurijal, Davies, S., Syuhudi, M. I., Nur Khoiron, M., Halimatusa’diah, Nensia, & Maarif, S.). Trans people making the hajj to Mecca: Religiosity and social inclusion in Indonesia. Indonesia and the Malay World, 1-16.
  • (2023). “Indigenous Religious Freedom: A Goal to Pursue in Indonesia”. Special Topic Forum: Indigenous Spirituality and the Law. Australian Journal of Law and Religion. 3 AJLR 103. https://ausjlr.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Volume-3-Maarif.pdf
  • (2023, with J. D. Smith and R. Adam). “How social movements use religious creativity to address environmental crises in Indonesian local communities”. Global Environmental Change, 84, 102772.
  • (2023). “Human (Relational) Dignity: Perspectives of Followers of Indigenous Religions of Indonesia”. Religions 14 (7): 848
  • (2023, with F Wijsen, ZA Bagir, M Yusuf, A Marsiyanti). “Humans and Nature: Does Religion Make a Difference in Indonesia?” Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 17 (1), 30–55-30–55
  • (2022, with Asfinawati). “Toward a (More) Inclusive FORB: A Framework for the Advocacy for the Rights of Indigenous People”. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology 6 (2), 205-212.
  • (2021) “Re-establishing Human-Nature Relations: Responses of Indigenous People of Indonesia to the Covid-19”. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 7 (2): 447–472.
  • (2020, with Brian Trinanda Kusuma Adi). “Komunitas Lima Gunung: Concept of Art Communitas on Five Slopes of Central Java, Indonesia”. International Journal of Visual and Performing Arts 2 (2): 60-71 
  • (2020, with Affaf Mujahidah). “Two Sphere of Social Inclusion: The Strategy of Majelis Luhur Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa Indonesia (MLKI) after the Enactment of Constitutional Court Decision 97/PUU-XIV/2016”. In Swati Chakraborty (ed.), “Handbook of Human Rights and Tribal Studies”. India: ABS Books
  • (2020). “Covid-19: Dari Drama Sosial Menuju Ruang Publik Baru Bagi Penghayat Kepercayaan”. In Valerianus B. Jehanu (ed.), Kepercayaan dan Pandemi: Antologi Esai Kepercayaan Menghadapi Covid-19. Yogyakarta: Satunama.
  • (2019). Merangkul Penghayat Kepercayaan melalui Advokasi Inklusi Sosial. Yogyakarta: CRCS UGM
  • (2019) “Indigenous Religion Paradigm: Re-Interpreting Religious Practices of Indigenous People”, Studies in Philosophy 44 (56): 103-121.
  • (2019) Binadamai Berkeadilan melalui Sampah dan Sagu di Papua. Yogyakarta: CRCS UGM
  • (2018) “Persoonhood of the air: the Ammatoans’ indigenous perspetive”. In L. Hobgood and W. Bauman (ed.), The Elements: the Bloomsbury Handbook of religion and nature. (London: Boomsbury Academic.
  • (2018) Impacts of the 2017 Decision of the Indonesian Constitutional Couth on kepercayaan (indigenous religious) groups (a report). (Satunama Yogyakarta) 
  • (2017) Pasang Surut Rekognisi Agama Leluhur dalam Politik Agama di Indoensia: Serial Laporan Tahunan CRCS UGM. Yogyakarta: CRCS UGM.
  • (2017) “Meninjau Ulang Definisi Agama, Agama Dunia, dan Agama Leluhur”. Dalam Ali-Fauzi, I., Bagir, ZA., dan Rafsadi, I. (editor). Kebebasan, Toleransi dan Terorisme: Riset dan Kebijakan Agama di Indonesia. Pp. 13-48. Jakarta: Pusad Paramadina.