Kami mengundang mahasiswa CRCS dan ICRS, fakultas dan rekan-rekan lainnya untuk berpartisipasi dalam CRCS & ICRS Wednesday Forum minggu ini. Forum kali ini akan menghadirkan Maesur Zaky, MA (Youth Center PKBI DIY) sebagai pembicara, yang akan berbicara tentang “Perspektif Gender-Queer terhadap Agama”. Informasi mengenai forum ini dapat dibaca di bawah ini.
Hari/tanggal: Rabu, 03 Maret 2010
Waktu: 12.30 – 14.30 WIB (gratis makan siang)
Tempat: Ruang 306, UGM Sekolah Pascasarjana Jln. Teknika Utara Pogung
Pembicara: Maesur Zaky, MA
Religion is often represented as binary system of life management. Consequently, it approaches almost all aspects of life by dividing them into dichotomously two categories, like right-wrong, black-white, rights-left, and another bimodal categorization. Among aspects of life, sexuality and gender are perhaps the most apparent aspect that is clearly categorized as binary. Even the two aspect are likely the basis by which other aspects of life are dichotomously categorized.
My presentation is about an attempt to reopen such a binary models used commonly in religious traditions, particularly in gender realm and its correlation with sexuality issues. By revealing some facts on transgender phenomenon in the world religious traditions, this presentation will seek how religion can give a more accommodative and friendly situation in dealing with the issues of plurality of gender identity in their practices of interpretation and religiosity.
Approaching gender studies from the perspective of identity, not only roles, this presentation will offer a gender-queer perspective in dealing with the religious interpretation of sacred texts. May the discussion of this presentation will get some inspiring model in queerying religious texts, particularly when they deal with gender pluralism.
Keywords : Gender, gender identity, Queer, Genderqueer, religion, sacred texts, transgender, transexuality.
Forum ini terbuka untuk umum, dan tidak memungut biaya apapun.
Sekilas Tentang Pembicara:
Maesur Zaky, MA adalah alumni CRCS, dan saat ini Ia bekerja pada PKBI Yogyakarta untuk bagian Youth Center.
Kontak Kami:
Elis Z. Anis (ICRS): elis236.andri@yahoo.com,elis@ugm.ac.id; Lina Pary (CRCS): lina_pary@yahoo.com; Maria Ingrid (CRCS/ICRS): ingridita@gmail.com.