Kami mengundang mahasiswa CRCS dan ICRS, fakultas dan rekan-rekan lainnya untuk berpartisipasi dalam CRCS & ICRS Wednesday Forum minggu ini. Forum kali ini akan menghadirkan Prof. Dr. Carolina Lopez C. (Centro de Dialogo y Bienestar Humano Tecnoogico de Monterrey & Centre for Civilisational Dialogue University of Malaya) sebagai pembicara, yang akan berbicara tentang “Bergerak Melampaui Kekerasan: Aplikasi-aplikasi potensial dari Teori Perestrukturan Kognitif untuk Transformasi Konflik.” Informasi mengenai forum ini dapat dibaca dibawah ini.
Hari/tanggal: Rabu, 21 April 2010
Waktu: 12.30 – 14.30 WIB (gratis makan siang)
Tempat: Ruang 306, UGM Sekolah Pascasarjana Jln. Teknika Utara Pogung
Pembicara: Prof. Dr. Carolina Lopez C.
Actual France is facing new challenges especially connected to the relation between the indigenous French people and the immigrants. After the September 11, 2001 the diversity of ethnic groups which is part of French historical fact is discussed and debated in the social and political levels with the focus on “La cita”? (separation between the State and Religion). The ethnic groups target of regulation are the Moslems but especially women wearing the veil. The law of March 2009 stipulates clearly that women are not allowed to wear the veil in the administration and in the public schools. However, this law is not easily applied and controlled because of the struggle and agency of the ones who believe in this religious practice. Some based their argument on the norm of la cita while the other argues related to the questions of the rights of the citizen. This presentation attempts to show the struggle and the resistance of different actors related to the interdiction of the veil in France.
Forum ini terbuka untuk umum, dan tidak memungut biaya apapun.
Sekilas Tentang Pembicara:
Prof. Dr. Carolina Lopez C. adalah profesor pada Centro de Dialogo y Bienestar Humano Tecnologico de Monterrey & Centre for Civilisational Dialogue University of Malaya.
Kontak Kami:
Elis Z. Anis (ICRS): elis236.andri@yahoo.com,elis@ugm.ac.id; Lina Pary (CRCS): lina_pary@yahoo.com; Maria Ingrid (CRCS/ICRS): ingridita@gmail.com.