Wednesday Forum minggu ini akan menyajikan sebuah topik yang menarik. Tim Riset Dialog Inter-religious CRCS akan memimpin kita untuk mendiskusikan tentang ide dan praktik-praktik dialog inter-religious di Indonesia. Zainal Abidin Bagir dan J. B. Banawiratma, sebagai bagian dari tim tersebut, akan menjadi pembicara dalam Forum ini. Beberapa informasi dapat dibaca di bawah ini.
Hari/tanggal: Rabu, 15 April 2009
Waktu: 12.30 14.30 WIB (makan siang gratis)
Tempat: Room 306, UGM Graduate School Teknika Utara Pogung
Pembicara: CRCS Research Team (Presenters: Zainal Abidin Bagir and J. B. Banawiratma)
Thisresearch is motivated by the fact that compared to many other countries,(institutionalized) inter-religious dialog has had quite a long history inIndonesia. We understand such inter-religious dialogue broadly in terms ofencounters of people of different faith, but limited our attention to itsinstitutionalized form. The idea and practice of inter-religious dialog inIndonesia started with the Ministry of Religious Affairs in 1960s. In addition,starting 2001, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsored dialog with othercountries in the regional and international levels. Partly as a disappointmentto the way dialog was becoming part of governments way of controlling therelations between religious communities, starting in late 1980s inter-religiousdialogue was promoted by many non-governmental organizations (some NGOs wereeven established to focus on dialog). Most recently, we noted that dialog hasbeen part of the academia: starting late 1990s, courses on dialog are offeredand academic programs and centers made dialog as part of their academicinterestCRCS and ICRS-Yogya are two of the latest examples on this.
Our mainquestions were: what have happened in those three domains of dialoggovernmentalinstitutions, NGOs, and the academiaand what motivate them? In this research,we did not intend to document everything that have happened, but tried to findtheir varieties. The presentation will describe such varieties of dialog,analyze them and give some recommendations as to the course of dialog in thethree domains in the future.
Tim Riset:
Tim Riset ini terdiri atas J.B. Banawiratma(co-instructor of Inter-religious Dialogue course at CRCS), Zainal AbidinBagir (CRCS), Fatimah Husein (co-instructor of Inter-religiousDialogue course), Suhadi (CRCS), Novita Rakhmawati (mahasiswa CRCS), Budi Asyhari (CRCS), Ali Amin (CRCS), dan MegaHidayati (mahasiswa ICRS).
Forum ini tidak memungut biaya apapun dan terbuka untuk umum.
Contact person:
Elis (ICRS):; Lina(CRCS):; Mustaghfiroh Rahayu(CRCS):