CRCS&ICRS dengan bangga mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri Wednesday Forum. Sebagai pembicara dalam forum ini adalah Dr. Wening Udasmoro. Forum ini akan dilaksanakan pada:
Tanggal: Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008
Waktu: 12:30-14:30
Tempat: Ruang 306, lantai 3, Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM
Topik: Perbincangan Pemuka Agama tentang Kontrasepsi: Pengalaman Indonesia dari Era Sukarno ke Era Reformasi
Wening Udasmoro memperoleh gelar Ph.D dalam studi Gender dari Geneva University, dalam studi yang berhubungan dengan gender dan politik, kebijakan aborsi di Indonesia. Disamping menjadi pengajar di Sastra Prancis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, beliau juga termasuk salah seorang core doctoral faculty di ICRS-Yogya
Dibawah ini merupakan abstrak dari makalah yang akan dipresentasikan.
The Religious Actors Discourses on Contraception: Indonesian Experience from Sukarno to Reformasi Era?
By: Wening udasmoro
The history of Indonesia can not be separated from the discourses of the religious actors. Historically, they contribute to the construction of phenomenon and policies in social life. The contraception is one of the aspects discussed by the religious actors from time to time, since Sukarno to the Reformasi era in spite of their different perceptions in regard to this case. In the process, there is a dynamic interaction between religious actors and other actors, such as the political, medical or feminist actors from inside Indonesia and the international actors from outside the country. It is argued that the religious consideration is not the only factor they use as the basic of arguments. They have to compromise with those actors in order to create their discourses on the issue of contraception.