Pembicara untuk Forum Rabu CRCS&ICRS yang akan datang adalah Sita Hidayah, M.A. Sita Hidayah merupakan mahasiswa CRCS. Sita mendapatkan gelar M.A. dari Florida International University pada tahun 2007. Thesisnya berjudul Religion in the Proper Sense of the Word: The Discourse of Agama in Indonesia. Adapun topi yang akan dipresentasikan Sita pada diskusi Rabu CRCS&ICRS adalah Long Live Victoria!. Diskusi akan dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 16 April 2008, di Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM, Lantai 3, Ruang 306, Jam 13:00 sampai 15.00.
DATE AND TIME Wednesday, April 2, 2014 @ 1 -3 PM
VENUE CRCS, Room 406 Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta Tel. 544 976
ABSTRACT I propose an inquiry into performances (i.e. dance) dance within transnationalism as a space of transcending border and reconfiguring alignment. In this project, I try to locate performance— the embodiment of dance technique, a mastered bodily code—as a possibility of dissident feminist praxis. I aim through this presentation to engage the idea of examining local cultural disturbance and of so-called “injustice, especially with many extraction of natural sources” where the construction of marginality and representation requires [often] idea of universal. This space of transnationalism has become a competitive place, as “different” being constructed, the shared concern are limited to how language of necessity mediates and what was the one who make the concern able to cross borders, which I call the imagination of the transient border, through ritual, dance technique and performance spaces.
In this Wednesday forum, I question the idea of feminism without borders, as Chandra Talpade Mohanty suggests, made possible through artistic performances and narratives taking place within the global aesthetic. Also meditation through Marta Savigliano’s conception on the issue of “world dance.” I refer to Gayatri Spivak’s argument on the idea of historico political and ethical in An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization which conveys how the possibility of training imagination to create aesthetic innovation. Following this trajectory of ideas about the shared artistic imagination, I expand the question by looking at border-crossing via dance technique, a form of transnational engagement and empathy, followed by a humble question: is it possible?
PRESENTER Rachmi Diyah Larasati Ph.D is Associate Professor of Dance, cultural theory and historiography at Theatre Arts and Dance & Feminist Studies (Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Aff.) University of Minnesota. Currently, she is visiting professor at Graduate School (UGM), IRB (Sanatadharma University) and UIN with Lisafa. Larasati is a former guest faculty at Brown University Critical Global Humanities Research Institute (2011) and Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia (2012), University of Addis Ababa, Ethiophia (2011) and Universidad de Granada, Spain (2011). She is the author of The Dance that Makes You Vanish (University of Minnesota Press, 2013); Crossing the Seas of Southeast Asia: Indigenous, Islam, Diasporic and Performances of Women’s Igal (Oxford, 2014), etc. |
If you are interested in the theme “Religious Discourse, Social Cohesion and Conflict From Religious Studies to Inter-religious Studies”, please join CRCS&ICRS Wednesday Forum. The discussion will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University, third floor, room 306, at 13:00 to 15:00. The key speaker will be Prof. Frans Wijsen.
Prof. Frans Wijsen studied theology in Heerlen and Nijmegen, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 1992. From 1984 till 1988 he conducted fieldwork in Tanzania. In 1988 he was appointed lecturer in science of religion and mission at the University for Theology and Pastorate in Heerlen. In 1992 he joined the Faculty of Theology in Nijmegen. Presently, Frans Wijsen is Professor of World Christianity and Interreligious Relations in the Faculty of Religious Studies, Professor of Missions Studies in the Faculty of Theology, and Director of the Nijmegen Institute for Mission Studies
“Religious Discourse, Social Cohesion and Conflict From Religious Studies to Inter-religious Studies” merupakan tema diskusi rutin Forum Rabu CRCS&ICRS. Diskusi akan diselenggarakan pada hari Rabu, 9 April 2008, bertempat di Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM, lantai 3, ruang 306, jam 13:00-15:00. Sebagai pembicara Prof. Frans Wijsen.
Prof. Frans Wijsen mempelajari theology di Heerlen dan Nijmegen, dimana beliau memperoleh gelar Ph.D. pada tahun 1992. Pada tahun 1984 sampai 1988 beliau melakukan penelitian di Tanzania. Pada tahun 1988 beliau menjadi pengajar dalam mata kuliah science of religion and mission di Universitas untuk Theology dan Pastoral di Heerlen. Pada tahun 1992, beliau bergabung dengan Fakultas Theology di Nijmegen. Saat ini, Frans Wijsen merupakan professor dalam bidang agama Kristen dan Hubungan Antar-agama di fakultas Studi Agama, dan direktur Nijmegen Institute for Mission Studies Centre for Studies in World Christianity. Sejak tahun 1995 beliau menjadi professor tamu di Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sejak tahun 2004 beliau juga menjadi professor tamu di Tangaza College.
The next CRCS&ICRS Wednesday Forum will talk about “Christian-Muslim Relations in the Philippines: Perspectives for Inter-religious Dialogue”. The discussion will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2008. The key speaker will be Jerson Benia Narciso. Jerson Benia Narciso is a doctor candidate in religious studies at Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS). He earned his Master of Divinity in 1995 at Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo Citi, Philippines and Master of Theology at the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology in May 2006. Jerson Benia Narciso has been involved in numerous advocacy works for peace and human rights and other political and ethical issues affecting the lives of the Filipino. He has also served as a local church pastor under the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches for more than 11 years.
The next CRCS&ICRS Wednesday Forum will talk about “Christian-Muslim Relations in the Philippines: Perspectives for Inter-religious Dialogue”. The discussion will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2008. The key speaker will be Jerson Benia Narciso. Jerson Benia Narciso is a doctor candidate in religious studies at Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS). He earned his Master of Divinity in 1995 at Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo Citi, Philippines and Master of Theology at the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology in May 2006. Jerson Benia Narciso has been involved in numerous advocacy works for peace and human rights and other political and ethical issues affecting the lives of the Filipino. He has also served as a local church pastor under the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches for more than 11 years.