British Religious Plurality in the Age of Charles III
Wednesday Forum – 15 February 2023
On 6th May King Charles III will be crowned in Westminster Abbey, a religious ceremony confirming his role, not just as Head of State, but as Supreme Governor of England’s Established Church. But he leads a kingdom that has seen both significant secularisation and growth in non-Christian minorities over the last twenty years. This lecture will explore the impact of these trends on British identity and the way in which the understanding of constitutional monarchy and state religion have evolved to accommodate a complexly secular and religiously plural modern nation. It examines an English pluralist school of political thought that King Charles sees as characterising the British understanding of nationhood.
Professor James Walters is the founding director of the Religion and Global Society Research Unit at the London School of Economics. He is a Professor in Practice in the LSE Department of International Relations and a priest in the Church of England. His publications include Religion and the Public Sphere: New Conversations (2018) and Loving Your Neighbour in an Age of Religious Conflict (2019)
The full poster of this event is available here.