Budi Asyhari Afwan, M.A.

Budi Asyhari Afwan, MA

Email address: budi_asyhari@yahoo.com

Having been involving in NGO activities in Yogyakarta since his undergraduate, Budi Asyhari decided to continue his master study at CRCS in 2004. In the second year of his study, he has involved in some of researches done by CRCS as research assistant. Since then, he has been part of CRCS research team. His interest of study is mainly about ritual studies.


  • Master Degree (M.A) at Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies/CRCS Gadjah Mada University (Cum Laude), Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2004-2006)
  • B.A (S.Ag.) in Islamic Theology Major, Exegesis-Hadist Minor, at State Institute of Islamic Studies Sunan Kalijaga (Institute Agama Islam Negeri [IAIN], Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1992-2000)


  • Contributor for Era Baru Politik Muhammadiyah (New Era of Muhammadiyah in Politics) (Bandung: Humaniora, 2005);
  • Contributor for Perempuan, Agama, dan Demokrasi (Women, Religion, and Democracy) (Yogyakarta: LSIP, 2007);
  • Editor of Pemberdayaan Politik Perempuan Lintas Agama (Interfaith Political Empowerment of Women) (Yogyakarta: LSIP and CORDAID, 2008);
  • Editor of Menembus Batas Politik Perempuan Indonesia (The Passing Over of Indonesian Women Politics) (Yogyakarta: LSIP and CORDAID, 2008).
  • Member of writing team of Annual Report on Religious Life in Indonesia 2010,2011, 2012, (published by the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University)


  • Research on the Pluralism Discourse in the Curriculum of Muhammadiyah Middle and High School in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta (2006-2008);
  • Research on the Pluralism Curricullum in the Muhammadiyah Middle and High School in Magelang, East Java (2009)
  • Asistant researcher of the Annual Report of the Religious Life in Indonesia 2008, CRCS-UGM Yogyakarta (2008)
  • Field research coordinator for the Annual Report on Religious Life in Indonesia 2009-2012 (2009)

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