The generation of Indonesian Muslims coming of age in the new millennium faces structural problems inherited from past generations, moral panics in the present, and uncertainties about the future. They are finding answers and alternative narratives—utopian, dystopian, realist, and idealist, in varying degrees—in the discourses flooding the marketplace for Islamic literature they have always had access to, on and off campus, in bookstores and book expos, and in social and mass media. This presentation analyzes the process of transmission to and appropriation of these Islamic literatures in sixteen regions of Indonesia, inviting us to discuss this generation’s shift from the politics of Islamism to post-Islamism.
Suhadi Cholil is a lecturer and deputy coordinator of the research team on Islamic literatures in the Graduate Program of Islamic Interdisciplinary Studies UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. He earned his MA at CRCS (2002 batch) and his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
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