Kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dalam Wednesday Forum minggu ini dan berdiskusi tentang “Pemberitaan Media akan Perempuan di Daerah Konflik: Studi Kasus di Poso, Indonesia”. Elis Zuliati Anis, M.A. sebagai pembicara dalam forum ini. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat dibaca di bawah ini:
Tanggal: Rabu, 18 Februari 2009
Waktu: 12.30 – 14.30 WIB (Makan Siang Gratis)
Tempat: Ruang 306, Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM, Teknika Utara Pogung, YKT
Pembicara: Elis Zuliati Anis, M.A.
This research will analyze how the local newspapers in Palu, Central Sulawesi portrayed women during the Poso conflict (1998 ? 2003). The present argument is that women in conflict reporting are often depicted as passive victims, such as in the case of sexual harassment, rape, and murder. The women?s effort in peace building and their effort as an active agent of the family survival were rarely covered by the media. My previous research on ?Framing conflict news in Poso? (2005) indicated that women?s perspective in the local media was often ignored, while men?s view dominated the news. The research also concluded that the local media often used provocative language and images in describing the conflict news. The conflict news obviously had a bias reporting, both in terms of religious affiliation and gender perspective. This can be explained that the local journalists during the conflict had less understanding or skill in peace reporting and gender viewpoint. In addition, the local journalists were part of the victims and had difficulties to avoid their personal perspectives.
Sekilas tentang Pembicara:
Elis Zuliati Anis obtained her M.A. in Communication from Ohio University, U.S.A and CRCS UGM. She is currently working as the Office Manager of ICRS-Yogya. Her main research interests include Media and Conflict Resolution, Gender and Media, Communication and Development, Participatory Communication, and Inter Religious Dialogue.
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Contact person:
Maufur ipung (ICRS): maufur_nd@yahoo. com; Mustaghfiroh Rahayu (CRCS): mth.rahayu@gmail. com