DATE AND TIME Wednesday, April 23, 2014 @ 1 -3 PM
VENUE CRCS, Room 406 Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta Tel. 544 976
ABSTRACT The common characteristic of mainland Southeast Asia is Buddhism, although there are very significant variations across and within countries. But in Indonesia Buddhism is commonly mentioned as one of minority religions during Dutch occupation, although evidences showed that Buddhism had been there but Buddhism was not officially classified as a religion. In spite of this, 1930s period had been pivotal for the development of Buddhism in the archipelago. It was during this particular decade that the West and East appeared to have formed strong network and involved in joint effort to improve the state of Buddhism in the archipelago. Hence, this discussion will be focused on Buddhism in the early 20th century (1930s) with particular attention given on the networks that Indonesian Buddhists had involved and also established to improve the state of Buddhism in the archipelago.
PRESENTER Yulianti is attached to Gadjah Mada University and Leiden University as a PhD-candidate in the project ‘The Making of Religious Traditions in Indonesia: History and Heritage in Global Perspective (1600-1940)’ funded by the Leiden University Fund. She received her BA in Buddhism from international Buddhist Missionary University, Myanmar. She obtained two Master’s degrees, the first was in Religion and Cross-cultural Studies, UGM and secondly Master’s degree in Religious Studies at Florida International University, USA. She is a lecturer at Kertarajasa Buddhist College, in Kota Batu, East Java. Currenly, she research Buddhism in Indonesia in the colonial and early Independence period c. 1930-1959.