In 2000, we have witnessed the widespread phenomenon of the Islamist movement in various high schools in Indonesia. In the initial stage, the target was university students, nowdays the target was senior high school students. The movement was initatiated by the students’ organization call Rohis (Islamic organization in Senior High School). Rohis politically is known to have a network with Islamist movements outside the schools atmosphere.
They mentored students in the schools toward Islamic culture. They imposed the regulation upon the female students to keep the long head scarves. They also imposed the strict regulation of maintaning a distence between male and female students. The implication of such rules in the schools which is the common space for people from different background are enrolled, is imposed toward monoculture. This norm has become a challenges for some Muslim students who do not want to reveal their religious identity and also a threat for non- Muslims students.
This research was conducted in three major senior high schools in Yogyakarta to explore the practices and impact of Islamization in public schools space. To identity the responses of the students toward the regulation and to look at the goal of the individual organization functionaries who attempt to enforce people exclusive under the single religious norms or culture. There are also number of students who refused to accept and did not follow the regulation. Students who fought against the regulation could be understood as one of the examples toward maintaining the pluralism in the society. This exemplary initiative will lead us to social transformation, building peace, harmony and social justice.
Kata Pengantar
Ucapan terima kasih
A. Latar Belakang
- Yogyakarta dan Perubahan Keagamaan
- Remaja Islam: Eksponen Islamisasi
B. SMUN Rajawali: Ekspresi Islamisasi Sekolah
- Meneroka “Pesantren” Negeri
- Menuju “Rajawali Darussalam”
- Pra-Mentoring: Salam Sapa al Qudwah
- MOS: Pansus dan Nilai Darussalam
- Para Penjaga Darussalam
- Ragam Kelompok dan Aktivitas Siswa
- Telisik Kasus
- “Tegel Merah” versus “Tegel Putih”
- “Jilbab Formalitas”: Negosiasi Pakai
- “Dancing”: Perlawanan Disiplin Tubuh
- Persentuhan dengan Non-Muhrim
C. SMUN Merak: Citra Sekolah Gaul dan Trendi
- Pemilihan Ketua OSIS
- Ragam Kegiatan dan Aktivitas
- Rohis al Jabar: Negosiasi Islam
- “Anak Belakang”: Ruang Ekspresi Alternatif
D. SMUN Merpati: Ruang Terbuka untuk Keragaman
- Geliat Para “Bomber”
- Pluralitas Ekspresi di Sekolah
- Ragam Aktivitas Siswa
- Dari “Simusa” ke “Sepeda Dakwah”
- Rohis an Nahl:Tantangan di Medan Dakwah yang Terjal
- Canteen Boyz: Kehadiran Suara Alternatif
E. Penutup
Daftar Pustaka
Biografi Peneliti
Catatan Akhir