Dr. Zainal Abidin Bagir*
Program Studi Agama dan Lintas Budaya (CRCS), UGM.
Salah satu masalah mendasar dalam pengelolaan keragaman agama di Indonesia adalah pengakuan atas agama-agama. Jelas bahwa “Negara menjamin kemerdekaan tiap-tiap penduduk untuk memeluk agamanya masing-masing dan untuk beribadat menurut agamanya dan kepercayaannya itu” (Pasal 29 Ayat 2 UUD 1945). Menguatnya perlindungan HAM setelah Reformasi 1998, di antaranya dengan dikeluarkannya UU HAM (1998) dan masuknya satu bab khusus HAM dalam amandemen konstitusi, memperkuat jaminan itu. Namun semua ini hanya bermanfaat sejauh lingkup pengakuan negara atas agama.
Dalam konteks itulah beberapa pernyataan dan tindakan Menteri Agama Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, yang baru menjabat selama 2 bulan, menjadi penting. Dalam waktu singkat itu ia telah menjamu beberapa perwakilan kelompok-kelompok agama minoritas (Ahmadiyah, Syiah, Parmalim, Sunda Wiwitan, Sikh) yang selama ini kerap terdiskriminasi bahkan mengalami serangan fisik. Ia juga telah mengunjungi pengungsi Syiah Sampang di rusun di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, yang hari-hari ini persis sudah dua tahun terusir dari kampung halaman mereka. Selain itu, ia juga mengeluarkan pernyataan mengenai agama Baha’i.
Tulisan lengkap artikel ini bisa dibaca di www.satuharapan.com
Terima kasih kepada aplikan yang telah mengirim esai kepada panitia Lomba Esai untuk SMA/K – MA/K yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Agama dan Lintas Budaya (Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies/CRCS) Sekolah Pasca Sarjana UGM. Kami telah menerima esai dengan berbagai tema tentang opini maupun pengalaman pengelolaan keragaman di sekolah. Esai-esai tersebut telah direview oleh juri dengan mempertimbangkan tema, kedalaman isu, perspektif dan praktik dalam esai yang telah dikirim.
Kami ucapkan selamat bagi peserta yang lolos untuk mengikuti kegiatan workshop. Bagi yang belum lolos kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih atas waktu yang Anda curahkan untuk menulis dan mengirim esai. Masih ada kesempatan di program maupun agenda CRCS lainnya, Anda bisa mengunjungi website kami di http://crcs.ugm.ac.id/.
Application Form
2015 International Summer School on Pluralism, Development and Social Change
The Kosmopolis Platform of the University of Humanistic Studies (the Netherlands), in cooperation with HIVOS (Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries), the Center for the Study of Religion & Democracy (PUSAD – Pusat Studi Agama & Demokrasi), ParamadinaFoundation, and the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies of Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), the Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice of the University of the Free State (South Africa) and a to be confirmed university in India, welcomes applicants for the 2015 International Summer School on Pluralism, Development and Social Change.
During the Jacob’s early journey, when he had reached certain place, he stopped for the night to rest. He took one of stones to rest his head down to sleep. He had a dream which he had an encounter with God and received blessings from him. Next morning he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.” Then he poured oil on top of the stone that he had used as pillow. He called that place Bethel.
Do we need a physical place to express our belief or to have a relationship with God or gods? For a long history of humanity has been having a special ‘site’ to gather to worship and share their faith with one another or a secret personal place to adore a higher being. During the Forum, I will use a variety example of places globally visiting temples and sites in Indonesia, korea, Germany, and Tunisia, during the 9th century to compare each other cultures and belief. And temples and ‘site’s that they built will be analyzed to understand their differences and their communalities relation to their belief at that time. The research for their relationship between faith and their special ‘site’ can also leads to ask another questions like do we also need a physical place in the same manner as before? Is there any change in our concept in desire for the worship fashion? If there is any change, what or where is the new place can be substituted the old sites?
SOOK NIM CHOI. Born in Seoul Korea, in her teen years her family emigrated to São Paulo, Brasil. Studied at Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica da Universidade de São Paulo. After marriage she went to the USA and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts, at the San Francisco Art Institute, CA, and a Master of Fine Arts, concentration in Painting, at the University of California, Berkeley, where she taught Painting and Installation class for undergraduates. She also assisted all levels of teaching as the director of art in Palo Alto Art Studio. She has been an artist and still very actively exhibiting. She is a successful entrepreneur of ‘Pepe Francois’ a fashion design jewelry business in San Francisco and ‘Palo Alto Art Studio’ an art portfolio creating business in Silicon Valley for many years.
Now she is residing in Yogyakarta and works as a lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture dan Design Product in Duta Wacana Christian University. Email: sooknimchoi@gmail.com
The Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies at Gadjah Mada University, in cooperation with Florida International University (Miami, Florida, U.S.A.), is hosting its annual four-week English-language program starting May 4th to allow students and interested members of the public to experience life and culture in Indonesia and to examine the place of religion and globalization in our contemporary global world. This course will explore “Religion and Globalization” in the context of Indonesia, a diverse society including the world’s largest Muslim population. With its official motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in Diversity), Indonesia faces the challenges of building relationships across diverse religions and ethnicities. During the first three and half weeks in Yogyakarta, the cultural capital of Java, we will examine the diversity of Indonesia’s religious experience through seminars with local and international experts and excursions to local organizations, communities, and sacred places. In Bali, we will explore globalization’s impact on culture, religion and nature.
Kami sangat berterima kasih atas partisipasi para aplikan untuk mengikuti seleksi peserta Sekolah Pegelolaan Keragaman (SPK) angkatan ke-VI yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Agama dan Lintas Budaya (Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies/CRCS, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Kami menerima banyak sekali aplikasi dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia dengan kualitas yang sangat kompetitif, dari beragam latar belakang profesi dan beragam isu yang diusung. Namun kami hanya memilih 25 orang peserta dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek seperti: keragaman isu, gender, kemampuan melakukan riset, keterwakilan daerah, potensi membentuk jaringan advokasi, dan akses terhadap pengetahuan.
Kami ucapkan selamat kepada para peserta yang lolos untuk mengikuti SPK ke-VI. Bagi yang belum lolos kali ini kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih atas waktu yang anda curahkan untuk mengisi dan mengirim aplikasi. Masih ada kesempatan di SPK berikutnya dan SPK yang akan diselenggarakan dibeberapa daerah di Indonesia.
Berikut nama-nama yang lolos untuk mengikuti SPK VI di Yogyakarta, 19 – 31 Mei 2015. Pemberitahuan selanjutnya akan dikirimkan via email masing-masing.
No. | Date | Presenter | Topic |
1. | December 19th, 2011 | Dr. Mucha-Shim Quiling Arquiza | Wed Forum:Suluan People’s Memory of the Ethnoreligious and Social Movements |
2. | December 12th, 2011 | Sumanto Al Qurtuby | Wed Forum: Religion, Violence, and Peacebuilding Between Christians and Muslims |
3. | November 30th, 2011 | Muhammad Iqbal Ahnaf, Ph.D | Wed Forum: The Evolution of the Political Strategy of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia |
4. | November 21st, 2011 | Samsul Maarif | Wed Forum: Being Muslim in Animistic Ways |
5. | November 16th, 2011 | Dr. Siti Samsiyatun | Wed Forum: Merengkuh Merapi dengan Iman |
6. | November 7th, 2011 | Prof. Bernard Adeney-Risakotta | Wed Forum: Islam and Culture |
7. | November 1st, 2011 | Sakdiyah Ma'ruf | Wed Forum: Post 9/11 Stand Up Comedy in USA |
8. | October 25th, 2011 | Achmad Munjid | Wed Forum: The Role of Religion as Social Critique |
9. | October 18th, 2011 | - | WedForum: Provoked (A True Story) |
10. | October 10th, 2011 | Glenn Shive, Ph.D | Wed Forum: Religious Life in China |
11. | October 3rd, 2011 | Nina Mariani Noor | Wed Forum: Negotiating Identity in Indonesia (The Experience of Ahmadi Women) |
12. | September 15th, 2011 | Joko Wicoyo, Ph.D | WedForum: The Implementation of Roman Catholic Social Teaching |
13. | May 12th, 2011 | Kris Budiman | Wednesday Forum: Buddhist Temples Around Yogyakarta |
14. | May 12th, 2011 | Prof. Dr. Teresa Murphy | Wednesday Forum: The Importance of Religion in the US Labor Movement |