Religion and Ecology: 54 years after the ‘White’ thesis
Wednesday Forum – 10 November 2021
This presentation is an evaluation of two anthologies (1974, 2017) which contain responses to Lynn T. White. Gerrit Singgih traces the present ecological destruction to application of religious worldviews in the past, and concludes that Christianity, or more exactly, Protestantism, which for him is a very anthropocentric religion, is responsible for the destruction. Although the majority of the responders show that White’s article from 1967, which become famous as the ‘White’ thesis, is one-sided, they still acknowledge its relevance for today. Indonesian Christians could respond to the thesis in a fruitful way, by engaging in a dialogue with local or nature religions in reappraising the divine immanence in nature, and struggle together in preventing further ecological destruction.
Emanuel Gerrit Singgih is professor of theology at Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW). Since earning his PhD from the University of Glasglow, UK, in 1982, he has written numerous books and journal articles on contextual theology and biblical exegesis. He teaches courses on philosophical hermeneutics and biblical interpretations at ICRS.
The full poster of this event is available here.