Accepting an invitation from Suprapto Suryodamo, a Javanese artist from Padepokan Lemah Putih Solo, CRCS and ICRS students went to Borobudur and practice the spiritual bodily movement called Amerta dance.
Class Journal
CRCS students of the World Religions class visited the oldest klenteng (Chinese temple) in Yogyakarta, named Tjen Ling Kiong or more commonly known as Klenteng Poncowinatan.
A student's reflection on the Talentime movie watched in the CRCS's Religion and Film course.
Liputan diskusi bersama Prof. Heiner Bielefeldt di UGM, diadakan atas kerja sama CRCS, NCHR, dan DIAN/Interfidei.
“How could a bloody and cruel crucifixion become the core of Christianity’s love and compassion?”