Suhadi, Mohamad Yusuf, Marthen Tahun, Budi Asyhari, Sudarto
CRCS-UGM, 2015
92 pages
Rp. 45.000
This Report on Religious Life in Indonesia examines three issues. First, its analysis of the politics of religious education includes a look at the history and ideology of religious education, religious identity as a student index, and religious education for members of “belief groups” not recognized by the state as official religions. Second, it examines the 2013 Curriculum and the place of religious education in it. The monograph also investigates the new requirements of “spiritual competence” as a new “burden” for all school subjects in the 2013 Curriculum. Third, it discusses religion in the public space of the school. Since the Reform Era, the existence of spiritual organizations is very significant in shaping religious identity in the public space of school.
Download the PDF file of the book below :
Presented by Ronald Gilliam, Online Development Coordinator – Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai′i at Mānoa.
In the past ten years, social networking sites have gained in popularity, but many users have yet to learn the efficacy behind strategic social networking. Surprisingly, few academics and educational administrators use free social networking sites despite that the majority of students have daily interaction in online social communities. This presentation aims to showcase various social networking technologies and how they may be applied in an academic setting. The Center for Southeast Asian Studies social networking strategies on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Vimeo will be used as resources for our discussion and we will explore examples of how to create social networking strategies to maximize engagement.
Wednesday, August 19th 2015 @ 10- 12 AM, Room 407
4th floor of Graduate School Building, UGM
Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta Telp. 0274 544 976
Ronald Gilliam is the Online Development Coordinator in the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and he is primarily responsible for the continual development of the Center’s online programming. Since joining the Center in 2009, Ronald has implemented strategic social networking standards in order to create a dynamic community on the CSEAS website. He freelances as a graphic designer and web development consultant through his company, Colordrop.
Download the presentation materials below:
Creating a Social Media Strategy -guide
Terima kasih kepada 13 peserta terpilih yang telah mengikuti kegiatan workshop penulisan esai selama satu bulan di Program Studi Agama dan Lintas Budaya (Center for Religious Studies and Cross-cultural Studies/CRCS). Terima kasih dan selamat atas kerja keras dan waktu yang telah dicurahkan untuk lomba ini. Setelah melewati berbagai diskusi dan penilaian selam proses workshop, juri telah menetapkan tiga pemenang terbaik dan sepuluh pemenang harapan yang esai-esainya akan dipublikasikan dalam betuk buku. Seluruh ketentuan mengenai Lomba Esai Guru 2015 merupakan keputusan dewan juri yang bersifat mutlak yang tidak dapat diubah dan diganggu gugat.
Selamat kepada para pemenang!
Pemenang I Anis Farichatin SMA PIRI I Yogyakarta mendapatkan Rp 1.500.000
Pemenang II Arifah Suryaningsih SMK Negeri 2 Sewon mendapatkan Rp 1.250.000
Pemenang III Puji Handayani SMA N 1 Muntilan mendapatkan Rp 1.000.000
10 Pemenang Harapan masing-masing mendapatkan Rp 500.000
Ahmad Khotim Muzakka*
Penulis Buku: Budi Asyhari-Afwan
Penerbit : CRCS-UGM
Tahun terbit : Januari 2015
Halaman : 86
Harga : Rp. 25.000
Download Mutiara Terpendam Papua
Buku bertajuk Mutiara Terpendam Papua, Potensi Kearifan Lokal untuk Perdamaian di Tanah Papua karya Budi Asyhari-Afwan ini mengajak pembaca untuk melihat persoalan mendasar yang dihadapi masyarakat Papua. Staf peneliti di Divisi Riset dan Data Center CRCS UGM ini, dalam kata pengantarnya, memfokuskan kajiannya kali ini pada kekayaan budaya suku-suku bangsa di Papua. Satu hal yang, menurut penulis buku ini, jarang ditempuh oleh peneliti dalam konteks Papua karena, selama ini, Papua hanya dilihat dari kacamata politik, konflik, dan sumber daya alamanya semata.