Islam and Local Politics in Madura
Wednesday Forum – 06 October 2021
This presentations explores the history of the relationships between Islam, state, and society in Indonesia with a focus on local politics in Madura. It identifies and explains factors that have shaped the development of Islam and politics and elucidates forms and aspects of the relationships between Islam and politics; between state and society; between conflicts and accommodations; and between piety, tradition and violence. It shows how the area’s experience with Islam and politics may illuminate the socio-political trajectory of other developing Muslim countries at present living through comparable democratic transformations. Madura was chosen because it has one of the most complex relationships between Islam and politics during the last years of the New Order and the first years of the post-New Order.
Yanwar Pribadi is lecturer at UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten and Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII). He graduated from Leiden University (MA and PhD). He authors Islam, State and Society in Indonesia: Local Politics in Madura (Routledge, 2018) and articles in edited volumes and journals, such as TRaNS; BKI; and South East Asia Research. His research interests include Muslim politics and expressions, contemporary Islamic history, religious networks, and citizenship.
The full poster of this event is available here.