Manifesto pelaku teror di Christchurch, yang berjudul "The Great Replacement", berpandangan bahwa gelombang imigrasi dan tingginya angka kelahiran Muslim mengancam eksitensi ras kulit putih.
A review of Nahdlatul Ulama's call for an end to addressing non-Muslims as "kafir", an appeal arising from its recent national conference in West Java.
The attempt to understand the Islamists’ reasoning of Pancasila is important. Yet one should ask, what were the conditions that enabled and constrained such reasoning?
Liputan Wednesday Forum 20 Feb 2019 tentang kasus Patung Dewa Kwan Kong di Kelenteng Kwan Sing Bio, Tuban.
Foto-foto dari Pekan Budaya Tionghoa Yogyakarta (PBTY) di kampung pecinan Ketandan, pada 13-19 Februari 2019.
Rizieq Shihab, who condemned the New Order regime, has called the Soeharto's children-led Berkarya Party a "nationalist, Pancasilaist" party.