Rimpu telah menjadi simbol identitas dan keseharian masyarakat muslim Bima semenjak abad ke-17. Akan tetapi, pemaknaaan dan penggunaannya berkembang seiring dinamika masyarakat.
Wednesday Forum Report
Religious Studies often gives much emphasis on written sources while neglecting the significance of sound in the identity formation of certain religious communities. The case of the Matua community, discussed in one of this month's Wednesday Forums, challenges that tendency.
In the Anthropocene, humans are the most complicit in rapid environmental degradation. What can religious traditions offer to resolve this problem? Michael Northcott discussed this issue at the CRCS-ICRS Wednesday Forum.
A report on the Wednesday Forum lecture with Dr Zainal Abidin Bagir.
Liputan Wednesday Forum 20 Feb 2019 tentang kasus Patung Dewa Kwan Kong di Kelenteng Kwan Sing Bio, Tuban.
Komunitas berisi para pemuda Timor memberdayakan masyarakat lokal di sekitar Mollo, Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT, dengan mengembangkan literasi dan wirausaha sosial berbasis adat.