Penolakan selektif komunitas Cina-Kristen Indonesia terhadap sebagian tradisi Cina terrembesi paradigma modern yang bias Kristen-Barat mengenai apa itu ‘agama’, ‘budaya lokal’ , dan bagaimana seharusnya hubungan antara keduanya.
ira chuarsa
the case of Caritas Germany shows one of the benefits of globalization where it provides a common platform for people of different faith to work together.
A review of Albertus Rahardjo's 2007 master’s thesis at CRCS on the experiences of a post-disaster Christian community in Bantul, Yogyakarta.
The Chinese Lantern Festivel has been an annual public event in Tegal, Central Java, in which the non-Chinese also participate, as explored by Khaerul Ummah (CRCS, 2004 batch) in his master’s thesis.
A report on the presentation by Evi Sutrisno on Indonesian Confucianism at the CRCS-ICRS Wednesday Forum.
A review of Stephen Prothero's 2010 book, "God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World.